Picture above: what Leola is wearing this episode
Word count: 309 words
I walked into my fathers office, mentally preparing myself. I was definitely going to get screamed at, since that morning I skipped breakfast. I couldn't help it, the wing corset that he always forced me to wear was nauseating. I walked twords father's desk and put my head down. "Leola" he spoke in a firm voice, and I winced. "You remember what we talked about a few days ago? Right?" I silently nodded. "Good" he said "well I'm sending you to the palace for that very reason, lady kirsi if going to be married to the king soon, and she's a year younger than you! You have no social standing, and marring up isn't an option. You'll go, right?" A normal person would have took that as a question. Leola was smarter than the average person. "yes father, I shall not disappoint you yet again". "Good" he said in that voice again "I wouldn't want you to waste all of the money I put into raising... You" he put an emphasis on the word you, as if i degusted him. I winced again "of course not, father". He scoffed "good, now get out of my office, your dirtying my floors". I started to walk out of the office, when he cleared he throat "pack your things, your leaving tomorrow. And also try not to be late to breakfast at the palace, you wouldn't want to insult the king in my name, would you? 'yes, I would love to do that, if it wouldn't get me beheaded by you' i thought, but I couldn't say that out loud so I simply said " I'll do better father, I'm sorry" and I walked out of the room. One shackle off, another shackle on. One day, I would find the key.

Suiter Lover (oc x norrix)
FanficI didn't like that Lucia rejected norrix (he's precious and I love him, poor baby) so I'm giving him the true love and affection he deserves, without LuCiA there to reject him (but fr, I know they weren't a good match, I love Lucia too, but norrix d...