Just who are you?

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I finished painting and I'm now a mess 😭

3.2k likes and 500 comments

@kittylinos: how did paint even get on ur face?
    @hxnnie: what im asking!
    @Ll.lamah: YOU THINK I KNOW?
    @kittylinos: I mean yeah you painted..?

@tittiesman: never knew u painted.
     @Ll.lamah: never knew you were tittiesman.

@hxnnie: hol up @L.fl
    @L.fl: what do you want now.
     @hxnnie: wtf u mean 'what do you want' YOUR FUTURE HUSBAND IS ON THE PICTURE.
      @L.fl: lmfao like hell, what point of 'I'm not interested' did you not understand.
      @Ll.lamah: ew you seem rude @L.fl
      @L.fl: I am, but I am ruder in bed not like you can relate.

@bangyourmom: what is going on why is everyone flirting while I'm here single
     @tittiesman: same.
      @bangyourmom: wanna make out?
       @tittiesman: yep, let's take this in dms

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'Just who are you L.fl.'


You are now in dms with hxnnie.

yo bro who is that l.fl guy?

My friend sorry dude he's a little

wtf you mean by spicy.

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