Annoyingly posting.

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Lolz idfk if I will post this later or tmrw but yk idfk.


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You all haven't seen this era of me,
But it's time for it to end...(also I still cant believe dms rn.)

23k likes and 4k comments


@Kittylinos: oh but you will believe dms when I fucking kill you.
  @hxnnie: woah what'd he do now..
  @Kittylinos: live.

@tittiesman: same I just milked a man
  @bangyourmom: thanks bae

@L.fl: dm's check them you will later believe it.
  @Ll.lamah: oh wow so now you're flirting? Well meet petty hyunjin, talk to you soon.
  @hxnnie: damn, crazy..

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Dude just check dm's you fuck.

1m likes and 872k comments


@Ll.lamah: i fucking want to but I have to put this bold look, HELP.
  @L.fl: then check dm's for your sake.

@jeongINandOUT: lolzies, love goals!
  @Puppycutie: BACK IN OUR DAYS—

@Kittylinos: ha! Wait.. great you both are now crawling for eachother.
  @L.fl: not, I'm just clarifying what happened in dm's.
  @hxnnie: dude, those texts could do stuff don't send something that could mess em up.

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