Meeting tabs?

652 19 15

NOT PROOF READ (I feel like
I've said this for millions of times☠️)

Oh and this is not an insta chapter 🥰

erm draft that I forgot the plot of
So it probably doesn't make sense and


When felix arrived at a slightly dimmed street, he was on the lookout for a damn weasel. Well I guess you could say that? He's tall,has long hair,acts like one- oh. Now you're asking me how he acts like one? JUST APPRECIATE THIS DAMN BOOK AND READ. anyways he found the weasel in a alleyway (wtf is this bitch doin in a alleyway😨) and KIDNAPPED HIM!!

just kidding I wanted to make the book more fun😔 anwyo he talked to him. That shit was AKWARD asf.

"hi" said the weasel to felix cause if not wtf? anywho he seemed like he was about to, scream,cry,die,fly,why?,fly a damn kite, and yeah.. felix replied with the most dry ass answer "hey"


Alright enough joking now here's what happened

Felix found hyunjin in a alleyway on the verge of tears. The tears were taking up his vision only leaving a blurry vision so he technically couldn't recognize who was the now man in front of him, hey what was hyunjin gonna do? He can't see so why not engage a conversation so he started it off with a simple hello in a whisper. He felt as if his own voice was breaking up with him and leaving him lone.

To save the dying atmosphere and tension in the whatever sketchy alley, and to not make the high and drunk man run off to god knows where and cries himself to death. Felix speaks, KINDLY he was gonna speak but those word were gonna be FOUL!

"You ok?" Said Felix looking at the weasel who looked like he was in distress and was in disbelief. "Yeah.." the weasel was able to sputter out, his voice was giving up by the time he trailed on telling him "home, I want home." His voice was barley above a whisper making it sound like a mutter. Luckily Felix isn't an asshole but couldn't hear him.

"Alright I couldn't hear that, but what I could hear is you going home and going to bed you need rest. But you also need a meal, you can't being doing this to yourself hyun." Felix said walking towards the said weasel, once he fully reached the weasel he reached out his hand to him for him to grab. Hyunjin being the drunk and high ass man he is he LICKED the hand instead.

"...well, I'll just pick you up instead." Felix said taking his hand away almost instantly, wiping the wet substance onto his pants. He walked over to hyunjin and threw him onto his shoulder, "that probably sucks here.." he said pulling him down into his arms so he was now carrying him birdal style

Walking to his motorcycle he grabbed his helmet and grabbed his extra helmet, custom made for his weasel. It was a black helmet with shampoo pink lines and lace flowers on it, he put the helmet on hyunjin softly to not hurt the drunken man. And placed the man In front of him. He started the motorcycle and made sure the other was secured.

Felix revved about once to not wake the weasel up , he held the weasels waist with one hand and his other on the handles. The cold air hitting his face was amazing , he has always loved late night drives . And with the guy in his arms just makes it a slight bit more better.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03 ⏰

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