War (Hyunjin and Han)

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The team got along pretty well for a long time. They were practicing almost every day and learning each other's style and personalities.

The only two who did not get along very well was the middle two: Hyunjin and Han. For a while, Chan wondered if they were intentionally trying to get on each other's nerves just to annoy the rest of the group. It was getting tiresome and Chan had no idea what to do to stop it. He knew what the company regulations were but he didn't think he could do that; not after everything they had been through.

Several times, a manager or staff member would pull Chan aside and lecture him about taking responsibility for his members but he never followed through on the promises he made to those staff members. He just couldn't do it. One reason was because corporal punishment was more traditional in Korean than it was in Australia and was not something Chan was used to receiving or giving.

But there came a point when he could no longer ignore what was happening between the middle members; he had to step in. 

"Hyung, you have to do something! It's getting out of hand" Seungmin burst into the recording room, looking disheveled.

"What is it, Minnie?" Chan already had a pretty good idea but he wanted to hear it for himself. Hyunjin and Han had gotten into a pretty bad fight a little over a week before and while the rest of the team was trying to give them space to figure it out, there was such a thing as too much space.

"Jinnie and Han! Their fighting again, it looks really bad this time, hyung" Seungmin blurted out. Chan sighed and got up, following the younger to where the team was gathered. I.N. and Felix were standing off to one side, clinging to each other and looking scared. Minho was sitting with his head in his hands, looking stressed and Changbin was talking quietly to him in an attempt to calm the older. 

Hyunjin was pinned under Han, both of them glaring at the other with hatred in their eyes and a determinedness that Chan had never seen before. 

"Both of you get up!" Chan demanded, pulling Han up by the collar of his shirt. The other rapper yelped, not expecting that. Hyunjin moved away from them as quickly as he could. 

"Don't even think about it, come here Hyunjin" Chan caught his dongsaeng by the arm and pulled them out of the room, back to the recording room. Luckily it wasn't being used but just in case, Chan locked the door. 

"Now I don't know what's going on with you two or why you seem determined to make each other's lives miserable but it ends now. Your constant fighting and hostile actions are affecting the rest of us" Chan had the yougner two sit down next to each other on the couch.

"Tell that to him" Hyunjin crossed his arms, turning to look away from Han. 

"Right back at you" Han retorted, scoffing.

"Enough! Hyunjin, why do you fight with Han?" Chan wondered. He knew what he had to do but first, he wanted to find out why the two idols were always against each other.

"He's annoying" Hyunjin shrugged.

"Hey! Your just as annoying" Han moved to tackle Hyunjin but Chan stopped him, giving the youngest member of 3RACHA a stern look to keep him seated.

"Han, why do you fight with Hyunjin?" Chan repeated the same question.

"He gets on my nerves. He doesn't care about anyone but himself and he insulted my rapping" Han listed.

"You said I was a bad dancer!" Hyunjin argued. So that's what it was. They insulted each other's skills and now were taking it out on each other as payback. 

"Well, clearly we need to have a talk about how words can affect people but somehow, I have a feeling you both already know that since you've been in a constant cycle of bickering since we got the group together" Chan pointed out. Han and Hyunjin exchanged a look, knowing he was right but unwilling to admit it. 

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