Puppy love(Seungmin)

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Seungmin didn't often show how much he depended on his members. He normally shied away from their hugs and their touches and he has to be the one to initiate contact. He was sometimes very clingy to Changbin, almost to the point that it was going to cause trouble.

Changbin had not realized that Seungmin was getting too clingy until the younger clung to his arm, pinching Changbin.

"Minnie, not now" Changbin whispered, kindly. Seungmin pouted but he listened anyway, unwilling to get in trouble with the calmest of his hyungs. Of course, his cooperation only lasted a short time. 

"Can we go out hyung please? I'm bored" Seungmin pleaded, tugging on Changbin's arm. He knew that his hyung was trying to work but in the moment, Seungmin barely even considered that. 

"Not now, puppy. I have to finish this and then I will take you out somewhere" Changbin shook his head.

"Anywhere?" Seungmin asked, his eyes shining. It had been a while since he spent some alone time with Changbin so he was looking forward to it. 

"Yeah. Anywhere you want" Changbin nodded, barely even processing the request that Seungmin had made. 

"Okay hyung!" Seungmin nodded, satisfied and settled back to wait. He knew exactly where he wanted to go but unfortunately, Changbin did not agree with the chosen location. 

"Absolutely not" Changbin looked at Seungmin's phone, where the address was pulled up.

"You said anywhere!" Seungmin reminded him.

"Yeah, anywhere that isn't a beacon for trouble. Pick somewhere else" Changbin handed his dongsaeng's phone back. Seungmin glared at him, no longer pouting but actually annoyed. He held his phone for a moment before handing it back to Changbin, with the same place pulled up. Changbin met Seungmin's eyes, noting the stubborn glint in his dongsang's eyes.

"This is a damn bar!" Changbin snapped.

"Come on! We're both over nineteen, I don't see the problem!" Seungmin argued. Changbin grabbed his arm, turning him to the side. 


"The problem is that this isn't just any bar! It's a beacon for trouble. Lots of idols get mobbed, stolen from, or kidnapped there! Pick. Somewhere. Else!" Changbin accompanied the last three words with more smacks, paying special attention to Seungmin's undercurve. 

"Fine! I didn't want to go out with you anyways" Seungmin huffed, going off to his room and slamming the door. Changbin felt his heart break but he knew that Seungmin was just throwing a tantrum and didn't mean what he said. Changbin didn't see Seungmin for the rest of the day but he thought nothing of it. He just thought that Seungmin was sulking and he decided to give the second maknae some space, until Seungmin was ready to come out of his room and talk. Of course, that never happened. Changbin didn't think anything was out of the ordinary until his phone rang and he felt a sense of dread upon seeing the number.

"Hi Minnie" Changbin tried to keep his tone sweet, already having a good idea what this call was about. 

"Hi hyung....um, so you know what you said about that place I wanted to go to?" Seungmin was trying to stall. He wasn't physically hurt at all but he was shaken up and it was showing through his voice.

"Yeah. What about it?" Changbin's suspicions were only confirmed and he started to get up, writing a quick note to the other members about where he was going, and then slipping his shoes on and walking out of the dorm. 

"Well....I went there. And you were right" Seungmin admitted.

"Hmm? And how did you come to that conclusion?" Changbin walked down the street. 

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