Audience (Changbin)

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"Minho, Hyunjin, I want to talk to you two alone" Chan came back into the kitchen after getting off the phone with the manager currently taking care of the group. He had maybe ten to fifteen minutes before Changbin walked in and Chan needed to talk with the second and fourth oldest members.

"What for?" Hyunjin was definitely confused. He was one of the oldest but Chan rarely ever included him in any grown up talks that didn't also involve the younger members.

"Just come with me please" Chan didn't want to say anything in front of Han, Felix, Seungmin or I.N. so he really needed Hyunjin and Lee Know to come with him. The two of them followed htier leader upstairs and Chan closed the door to his room behind them.

"I just got off the phone with our manager and Changbin has been saying some stuff about us. I know he doesn't mean any of it and he's just upset, probably stressed but I need your help with something. I need him to know that if he's going to talk about his members then he should have no problem getting punished in front of any of us either" Chan hinted. He knew that Lee Know and Hyunjin understood.

"Are you serious? Hyung, spankings have always been private. Always" Hyunjin shook his head. He couldn't believe Chan was even suggesting this.

"I know but this is one time that I think I'm going to make an exception. Do this for me please Hyunjin? It'll help him, I promise. It might be embarrassing but I know what I'm doing. Do you trust me?" Chan waited, giving Hyunjin and Minho too the chance to think about that. Of course they trusted him, there was no doubt about that and they said so.

"Good. Then Hyunjin, I need you to make sure that Felix and I.N. don't interfere. Minho, your in charge of Han and Seungmin. Please try to keep them out of the way while I deal with Changbin" Chan informed them.

"Yes hyung" Both younger men looked very uncomfortable but they went along with it, hoping that Changbin and their younger members wouldn't be too angry with them.

"Everyone in the living room! We need to have a meeting" Chan announced, going back downstairs. Han and Felix got up, very confused, and went into the living room. Jisung tried to sit next to Hyunjin until Minho pulled him away.

"Innie, come here" Hyunjin held his arms open to the maknae. Felix got up to make room but Hyunjin kept him seated.

"Stay here" Hyunjin told him, putting an arm around Felix. This only confused the four that didn't know what was going on even more. Something was terribly wrong and they knew it. Changbin walked in a few minutes later, really upset. He stopped on his way to the stairs when he saw all other seven members in the living room, all eyes on him.

"Changbin, come here please" Chan already had a chair in the living room for him to sit in. Felix and Seungmin were starting to figure out what was happening and, while they still didn't know why, they knew that Chan had his reasons.

"What's wrong?" Changbin hoped desperately that Chan didn't know what happened at the company. He didn't know why he said any of those things but Chan had been right in his guess. Changbin was tired and stressed out and the words just kept coming out without him even thinking about what he was saying. It wasn't until the manager harshly told him to stop talking and go home that Changbin realized how messed up everything he said was.

"The manager called me. Would you like to tell the boys what you said about them? Shall we start with Seungmin or maybe I.N.?" Chan tried to soften his voice and then gave up. He was too angry. The manager wouldn't say in detail what Changbin had said but Chan was given the overall cover of everything that was said.

"I- hyung, you know I didn't mean any of it. What did he even tell you?" Changbin shook his head, angry at the manager for telling on him. Changbin had apologized and he had thought that was enough.

"It doesn't matter what he told me. What matters is what you said and I am very disappointed. Your lucky the members are here or I would have mentioned everything that you apparently said but I won't do that in front of them. They don't deserve that" Chan scolded. Changbin glanced at his dongsaengs and hyung, feeling sorry. Chan was right again. None of htem deserved that.

"I'm sorry" He meant it this time, really meant it.

"I know. But that doesn't change anything. They will all be here for your punishment. If your going to say rude stuff about them to our staff or anyone else, then you will get spanked in front of them. I don't want to hear any arguments. From any of you" Chan sat down. Changbin wanted to argue but it would make things worse so he decided not to.

"No, hyung! Please don't do this. Let us leave" Felix shook his head, tears already gathering in his eyes.

"Shh, Lixxie. It'll be okay. You can hide your eyes" Hyunjin petted Felix's head, letting the same aged idol hide his face in Hyunjin's back. I.N. buried his head in Hyunjin's shoulder, blocking the scene from sight. Minho let Jisung move closer to him and pulled Seungmin in too, protecting the two of them. All eight members were very sensitive to each other and no one liked seeing one of his friends in trouble. This was going to be a painful scene to watch for all of them. Chan let them be, knowing that both Minho and Hyunjin would likely yell at him for daring to disturb their younger brothers. Besides, he had more pressing things to worry about than whether anyone was watching.

"Changbin, come here please" Chan put his hand out for Changbin, who took it and hesitantly walked over. He knew not to say this or argue but he still wished that his members weren't there and that this was happening in the privacy of his or Chan and Minho's room, not right there in the living room for the members to see and hear.

"Please think about this, Chan-hyung. I won't say anything again. I promise, just don't do this here" Changbin begged but Chan was unable to be convinced and he pulled the younger rapper over his knee, starting immediately. Soon, more than one source of cries was heard in the quiet room. Changbin was doing his very best to stay quiet but it was Felix's cries and I.N.'s soft sobs that got him to cry more than anything else.

I am aware that this ended very abruptly and probably not the best. I didn't know what else to write so I hope you still enjoy. If any of you are interested, I do have an Enhypen, Seventeen and BTS story slowly being written. Have a good day/night/evening and take care of yourselves!

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