Listen to hyung (I.N. ft Heeseung)

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Jisung leaned over to I.N., whispering something to him. Han had noticed I.N. being a little fidgety, which would have been fine any other time but they were at an award show. The whole group needed to be on their best behavior and Chan already looked like he was ready to bring the hammer down on the first person that acted out of line. Han really did not want that person to be I.N.

"You need to settle down. We will leave soon, behave" Jisung warned. I.N. knew Han was just looking out for him but that reminder made the maknae more upset and fidgety. Chan looked over several times at the two younger members, really annoyed.

"Jeongin, I am serious. Chan-hyung is looking. Settle down or you and I will have a conversation at home" Jisung insisted. I.N. should have taken the warning but he didn't want to. So he idd the worst thing he could. He leaned over to Han to whisper something back.

"Fuck. Off" I.N. whispered, straightening up in his seat. No one else heard him except Han. Jisung sat up straighter in his seat, leaning forward so Chan could see him. He dind't need to say anything, he just waved his hands around, pointing to himself and I.N. and then the exit. Chan understood and nodded. Whatever the problem was, Jisung would be able to take care of it.

"Get up" Han grabbed I.N.'s arm and dragged him out of the venue to their waiting room. He didn't give I.N. a single chance to ask what they were doing or start arguing against Han. The decision was made and Jisung was going to go through with it, no matter what.

"What makes you think it is okay to talk to me like that? Have you forgotten that I am your hyung as well? Have you lost all your respect?" Jisung lectured. I.N. didn't answer, clenching his teeth. He knew what was going to happen and he was determined to keep quiet. Jisung could do this if he wanted but that did not mean that the maknae would give his hyung the satisfaction of knowing that he was hurt. It was over before it had even started. Han decided to only give I.N. a warning before they went back.

"This time, behave. If you step out of line again, I will spank you in front of everyone and I do not care who sees. Do I make myself clear?" Jisung warned. I.N. nodded, yelping when Jisung smacked him again.

"Yes hyung" I.N. knew what Han was wanting and he was not risking getting smacked again in front of not only his team but other groups as well. Ones that he looked up to and would be humiliated to get spanked in front of. I.N. vowed to behave better. He really did not want to get in trouble.

And then he saw his friends and all thoughts of behaving flew out of his mind. His friends were here! And they snuck away from their groups and started talking excitedly to each other. After a while, some of them left and it was just I.N. and Heeseung left behind. The maknae did feel a little bad that he was going to get his friend in trouble, especially since Heeseung was the oldest in his group and I.N. was the maknae. It was no secret that the consequences for even talking to each other, let alone sneaking away from their groups, would be worse for Heeseung than it would for I.N.

"I've missed you! We really need to get together more" I.N. stated. Heeseung had to agree but that was harder to do since he had a group to take care of. Even though Jungwon was the leader, Heeseung was the oldest and he was like the leader when they weren't at the company. He was the main leader, authority, and even parent to Jungwon and Ni-Ki, when they were at the dorm.

"I don't think that will be happening anytime soon" I.N. and Heeseung both froze, not wanting to look. They knew they would be in trouble the moment they walked away. But it was worht it in a way. They had freedom for once.

"Hyung, I can explain. I promise" I.N. stood up, making Heeseung do the same. The younger hid behind his friend. He knew none of his members would be there, except maybe Jay or Jungwon, but he still had immense respect for his seniors and it was highly frowned upon to get someone from another group in trouble. This was not going to reflect well on Enhypen.

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