Chapter 1

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Hibiki (voice over) Pov

Here's the sad truth... All men are not created equal. When I was four years old, Izuku and I learnt that some kids have more power than others. Time went on, and we both learned that none were more powerful than the 7 deadly sins, greed and gluttony being the being the biggest ones... Let me tell you how all this began. The first incident was in Keikei City. An extraordinary child was born who radiated light. After that, reports of people with superpowers popped up across the globe. No one knew what was causing these Quirks...Before long, the supernatural became the totally normal. Dreams are reality. The world became a superhuman society with about 80% of the population possessing some uncanny ability. Our streets looked like scenes from comic books. A city swirled with chaos and confusion, a new profession dominated our collective consciousness. It was an age of heroes... Greedy heroes... Heroes despite just doing the right thing want money in the end. Some heroes are not amongst these greedy bastards, but one stands out amongst the rest, and does things from the goodness in his heart...The Symbol of Peace, All Might, Izuku and I idolize him because he unlike the other greedy and gluttonous "heroes". Izuku Midoriya and I for ten long ass years have been bullied for wanting to be heroes just to save people not because of the money, so we were out casted regardless of what we did or said. After being told that we couldn't be heroes by All Might of all people we took up looking into the occult, so we can become real heroes our way... by any... mean... necessary... because in our eyes we are the ones these "heroes" rejected.

Hibiki Pov

It was the end of the school day and Izuku and I we're just discussing a few things about this app which Izuku found that can apparently predict how someone can die using a video.

Izuku:It's crazy Hibiki I downloaded it and it predicted that you would die from a car and a truck sandwiching you and someone else's hand near said vehicles which I can only assume is either me or your mom.

Hibiki: Interesting...

Izuku: Anyway. About a week ago a guy's friend downloaded the app and saw the guy die long before it happened.

Hibiki: Creepy.

Izuku: I know. Anyway...go ahead download it. Maybe it's connected to the occult and we can save people using this app.

Hibiki:All right. Sure.

I opened my phone.

(Izuku has the same phone except his is green)

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(Izuku has the same phone except his is green)

I proceeded to put in my name, and another screen popped up saying to choose my my navigator's gender. I went with female just wanting to breeze through this as quickly as possible.

Navigator:Hi~! Welcome to Nicaea, your one stop shop for scenes of death!Oooh-scary! I'm Tico-Tico, your adorable guide! But you can call me Tico!

I watched my screen unamused.

Tico:On this website, you'll get videos of the friends you're tied to by fate.So not just random shmoes you meet, but people you get to know like, rilly, rilly well. We'll show you ahead of time when they end up all dead and stuff, bummer! You get to see exactly how they croak from the movies we upload to the site. I'll keep you in the loop when new videos are uploaded, so be sure to check 'em out! Okay then! Have a nice Wheeeee~!

After exiting the app I suddenly got a notification from the app. I opened it and it showed Izuku being ran over by a car saving someone as a bumper to bumper crash happened.

Izuku:Whoa! Crazy that I saved someone in that video before I died right?

Hibiki:Yeah, but that in itself came at a cost.

???:Tch! "Save" someone?

We turned to the voice and saw Katsuki Bakugo.

Hibiki:What do you want Bakubrat, and why were you listening to our conversation?

Bakugo:Brat?! You damn freaks don't deserve to save anyone because not only are you quirkless but worship that freak Lucifer!

Izuku:Says the one who needs a additude adjustment...

Izuku said walking out the door. I followed behind him not even looking back at the Pomeranian Brat.

Bakugo:Where are you two heading you Satanic Freaks?

We started to run knowing damn well that he could catching up with us easily. We exited the building as I made it in front of Izuku and went to cross the street until I heard a car honking its horn.

Izuku: Hibiki!!

Izuku pushed me out of the way being hit by the car afterwards. Cars started to crash into each other some even spinning onto the sidewalk. I went to try and help until I heard a truck honking its horn. I turned then everything went black.

???:Hey~! It's Tico-Tico! Knock, knock. You up?

I didn't know what was going on. I'm pretty sure I just died...

Tico:So... Yeah, this is how you're gonna die. If you still wanna live, that "demon summoning app" is gonna be a big help! What'cha gonna do? Are you gonna give up on your dream? Or are you going to be a real hero?

I thought about what she said for a bit, but I knew my answer.

Hibiki: I refuse to let these fake heroes fill this society any longer!

Tico:Alright! You've got a super-duper strong will to live. I just had to check! Well, good luck!

 I just had to check! Well, good luck!

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