PoppingTheCorn created Guns N Fucking Roses
PoppingTheCorn added angeryman to the group chat
PoppingTheCorn added StraddyDaddy to the group chat
PoppingTheCorn added bleachedgirraffe to the group chat
PoppingTheCorn added SlashTheSnake to the group chatStraddyDaddy is online
PoppingTheCorn is online
angeryman is online
SlashTheSnake is online
bleachedgirraffe is onlineangeryman: tf is this
angeryman: who are youStraddyDaddy: I ain't saying until you say who you are.
SlashTheSnake: well my name is in my username 👀
PoppingTheCorn: Guys, I-
bleachedgirraffe: slash??
SlashTheSnake: yeah what
bleachedgirraffe: okk umm
bleachedgirraffe: who here knows slashStraddyDaddy: Unfortunately, me.
angeryman: sadly
PoppingTheCorn: Yeah, but-
bleachedgirraffe: so we all know slash...
bleachedgirraffe: what colour are your hairs, if that makes sense
bleachedgirraffe: mine is long, kinda fuzzy and bleachedSlashTheSnake: long, curly, black
angeryman: long, straight and strawberry blonde.
StraddyDaddy: straight, medium length and black
PoppingTheCorn: Mine is blonde, long and fuzzy but-
bleachedgirraffe: soo...
bleachedgirraffe: we all know slash, whos hair is long, curly and black.SlashTheSnake: yep
bleachedgirraffe: mine is long and sorta fuzzy but its bleached, and im duff.
SlashTheSnake: oh hi duffles
bleachedgirraffe: 👋
bleachedgirraffe: straddydaddy has medium lengthed straight black hair and knows slash which means he might be izzy...StraddyDaddy: I am Izzy.
bleachedgirraffe: poppingthecorn has long and fuzzy blonde hair, which means he might be Steven...
PoppingTheCorn: I am Steven, but-
bleachedgirraffe: no idea who the strawberry blonde guy is though...
angeryman: bitch what?!
StraddyDaddy: Wait.
StraddyDaddy: If I'm Izzy, SlashTheSnake is Slash, bleachedgirraffe is Duff, and PoppingTheCorn is Steven...
StraddyDaddy: That must mean that angeryman is Axl... Right?angeryman: correct
PoppingTheCorn: GUYS!!
bleachedgirraffe: yo
SlashTheSnake: what is it popcorn 👀
PoppingTheCorn: I was trying to tell you guys that this is our bands group chat!
angeryman: then why didnt you say so earlier?!
bleachedgirraffe: oh
StraddyDaddy: My bad.
SlashTheSnake: sorry stevie :(
angeryman: maybe just speak up
PoppingTheCorn is offline
StraddyDaddy: It appears that you have made Steven upset, Axl.
angeryman: oh fuck off strsdlin
angeryman is offline
bleachedgirraffe: well if hes going off, then im going off too
bleachedgirraffe: poor popcornbleachedgirraffe is offline
StraddyDaddy: Later.
SlashTheSnake: wait dont leave me alone-!
StraddyDaddy is offline
SlashTheSnake: :(
SlashTheSnake is offline
hooray, more group chats! (group chats= no sleep)
Guns N' Roses Group Chat
Fanfictionwhat id imagine an 80s gunners group chat would be like