Growing Pains

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A now bored Midoriya was sat on his bed looking at the system's menus, more specifically the skill he received called [Observe].

Based on the description he was given it allowed him to see basic info about things around him it was probably the greatest thing for him to get considering his new quirk.

Looking around his room he spied one of his hero notebooks, thinking of the skill trying to use it.

[Name: Hero notebook N.13]

[Description: The newest entry in the collection of heroics, while not the most professional the attention to detail is no joke. The newest entries include both Mt.Lady and Kamui Woods (including their hero agency cards), There also seems to be a drawing of a hero costume near the back pages.]

A screen had appeared in front of his face the info was on point he could give it that.

Picking up the notebook he flipped to the back where a drawing lay. A bodysuit unknown in color with lines covering both over and under the arms while a tool belt was strapped across his waist, a hood would be pulled over the head while a mask was over the mouth providing a large toothy grin. Uncanny was the least subtle way to put it.

'What the hell was I thinking.' The look was goofy, to say the least, it was obvious who it was designed after. Even if he was gonna use it that idea was out the window considering his quirk kind of required contact to work. Pulling up his inventory he stuck the notebook inside and walked to the kitchen.

His mom had gone to work and he was bored with nothing to do. Grabbing a bowl of cereal he was lamenting the fact that he had to go to school tomorrow having to deal with his already annoying classmates, some of the worse ones were getting into things he wasn't exactly fond of.

Finishing his food he walked out of his home and onto his bike he started his way over to Takoba Municipal Beach. Ever since his mom had started working her new job Izuku started using a bike to move around more, While not the fastest it did help him stay fit.

It was around 11 now the sun seemed brighter than usual for the winter and the chilled air calmly blew as he biked across the city to the beach.

Around half an hour later he arrived at the trash-infested beach. It was amazing how much trash was here, from small things like bottles and plastics to things like fridges and ovens. He honestly had no idea how any of this got here.

The more he walked around the less it made sense with things like deflated balls, old bikes, clothes, seemingly old movies from who knows when, and even fucking cars, some looking like they barely needed some work done for them to run again.

'How the hell am I going to clean this up.' Since he had decided to train here cleaning it up over the next couple of months would be the best for him. He honestly had no training regimen and was just gonna wing it.

Just as he was about to get started a new screen appeared in front of him.

[Mission Activated]

[Mission type: Training]

[Build a Boy]

[An uncontrolled Quirk is bad enough but coupling that with a weak body makes you abysmal, You have 5 months to build a body strong enough to use that bat of yours in case you don't have that quirk that isn't under control.]

[Monday, Wednesday, Friday]
[5x10 Pushups] [Daily:X]
[Bench an item 20 pounds above your weight from the beach, changes with your body weight and mass.]
[Move an item of 40 pounds off the beach.]
[Swing your bat 20 times] [Daily:X]

[Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday]
[5k Run, changes over time] [Daily:X]
[5x5 Squats] [Daily:X]
[Drag an item off the beach that weighs over 40 pounds.]

[Sundays are free days to relax and take your mind off things or just do what you want.]

[Objectives will change based on growth, please make sure that you make sure you get enough rest and eat well.]

[Reward: Natural Built Body & Willpower Training]

He was stunned, the system had just made a whole training routine for him while keeping it within his limits.

"I'm never gonna get used to this."

Closing the screen in front of him he began to stretch It was Sunday already so the system probably wasn't going to count anything for the tasks but he wanted to get some light training in.

5 minutes later he was jogging past heaps of trash on the beachfront, he didn't have the worst stamina compared to himself about a year ago but keeping up the pace for a long amount of time was exhausting.

There was also the effort of having to weave literal miles of trash while running through the sand that was slowing him down.

He soon rounded back around to the same spot he was before, it felt relieving to be able to take his mind off things and just do what he wanted, even though he was a sweaty mess he felt amazing.

Taking out the bat from his inventory he wondered what was so special about it since the system had made it seem like it would take down a villain. To him, it just looked like a regular blue bat. Swinging it was harder than expected considering just lifting it was straining him a little but nothing seemed to happen when he tried to swing it. Giving up after trying again a few more times he used [Inspect] on it.

[Name: Hero's Bat]

[An ordinary blue bat once held by an ex-yakuza with a heroic spirit, at its peak, this weapon can take down almost anything. Over time this legendary weapon has lost almost all of its luster becoming what you see in front of you, if you are up to the challenge then you can try to repair this weapon of legends back to its former glory.]

"That's interesting..." Words really couldn't describe how Izuku felt about the info he just gained, first, he didn't exactly feel comfortable with having something owned by the Yakuza but there was the more important fact of it being a weaker version of what he assumed was a very powerful weapon.

Storing the bat back inside his [Inventory] he headed back to his bike and rode back into the city.

It was going to be a long year till the entrance exams.


My PC melted and I lost so many chapters, had to save up for a new one. Anywho the next chapter should be done by Halloween. :/

And if you want recommend a universe you want and I'll check it out.

-Caffeine Signing Out

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2023 ⏰

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