Warnings: none I was sleeping peacefully on Mel's soft bed with the pink covers that hugged my small body tight.
Melanie came on top of the bed & I felt two hands hug my waist. "Princess wake up, wake up~" Melanie whispered softly in my ear.
I whined not wanting to wake up.
Melanie whispered to me again. but I still didn't want to wake up.
Melanie pouted but soon things got quiet when she had a thought, a dirty one~
Melanie slowly slid her hands under my body making me twitch when she reaches my stomach, my body so sensitive & I bit my lip. Still my eyes are closed and I do not wake. Until Melanie's soft pretty hands meet my panties she rubs my clit and I moan softly
But I whined when melanie stopped her touch and took her hands off of me, making me wake up and look at her with a sad pout.
I will give you more of this if you wake & get up from bed to get ready princess~
I tilt my head, "ready for what?" I asked confused
Melanie kisses my cheek "We're going to the k-12 met gala my love~" Melanie says lovingly while she stared at me.
"Really? Yay!!~" I say happily I started to jump up & down on the bed and melanie giggled at me, showing her pretty gap tooth. I hugged her and got out of bed to get ready.
Melanie dresses you up, You wear a cute pink lace skirt with melanie martinez sweetheart shoes she made just for you with pink ruffle socks and you wear cute pink lace bows on your hair with a bunny hairpin~ :3
She gives you kisses and you look at her wesring her k-12 met gala dress that looks beautiful on her♡ she wears her hair with a big pink bow again. As her hair looks like it in drama club & recess in k-12 with the same pink dress :3
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