Mother mary~

750 14 10

Warnings: very slutty smut~

Melanie is very very horny and won't stop touching you & trying to get inside you~

Melanie won't stop fucking me. She will come to me every second she gets and try's to put her soft pretty fingers inside me. She try's to wear sexy revealing clothes and when I'm doing things she gets so clingy and touches me and gets on top of me. I am going to lose my fucking mind. She makes me crazy. Crazy for her. Crazy for her love and sex~

I'm eating a cupcake in the kitchen, Melanie kisses me & tells me how cute I look, and how I look sexy &  how cute I moan when we are having sex, that my face of vulnerability turns her on. She softly whispered in my ear with a smirk about how she can fuck me for hours all night long~

I blush heavily to this that she giggled and snaked her hands to my waist, whispering once again to my ears to make me go in heat just like she is.

"I want to make you limp & not walk for months, my angel~"

I moaned when melanie had her hand rubbing my inner thighs. I can feel myself as i beginning to start feeling wet.

We've been having sex 9 times today i cant do this right now, but melanie is so hot when she is like this, it makes me horny~

We've been having sex 9 times today i cant do this right now, but melanie is so hot when she is like this, it makes me horny~

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God this woman.

"I want my tongue inside you, I want my fingers sticking inside your slutty hole, baby~♡♡"

I wanted to curse myself.

As she says naughty things in my ear I bite my lip so hard as she rubs my panties slowly, I can feel liquids coming out of me, then she stops.

"I want to see how bad you want me. Last until tonight my dear, if you can~"

She gave me the sexiest smirk with her wicked eyes staring at me.

She loves teasing & playing these little games~

Melanie kissed my cheek and left me alone but then-

"If you play with yourself I will fuck you until you scream~"

"See you soon my love"

She left.

"M-melanie-" i mumbled to myself.

♡melanie martinez imagines♡ :3Where stories live. Discover now