One-Eyed Bird

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Tommy runs from the owner of the shop as they shout after him, apples clutched to his chest. He ducks under people carrying baskets and skirts around surprised mothers with their children, all to escape the rightfully angry hands of the shop owner. Well- maybe they were being a bit dramatic. After all, he'd only taken a few apples. They probably wouldn't have even noticed they were gone if Tommy hadn't been stupid enough to trip and drop one right in their line of sight.

So now, he runs. It would almost be exciting if the hot summer sun hadn't warmed up the cobbled street beneath his feet to an almost scorching extent. And as a street kid with no shoes? Well, let's say the feeling wasn't exactly pleasant.

Sparing a glance back, Tommy slowed his running when he didn't see anyone actively coming after him and sighed a breath of relief. He did his best to keep his head down and blend in with the crowds as he bit into one of the apples. It was crisp and cool in his mouth, and Tommy practically melted at the tangy sweetness that spread across his tongue. It was exactly what he needed to cool himself off in the middle of summer.

Using the back of his hand to wipe the juice of the apple from the corners of his lips, Tommy glanced up at the shops lining the streets to figure out where he was; then nearly started running again when he saw a familiar sign dangling from the side of a building. He couldn't quite read the letters on the sign from his place in the crowd, but he'd recognize that red and blue themed sign anywhere.

Ducking between people and slipping past a few carts traveling down the street, Tommy practically skipped towards the glass doors and slipped inside. He took a deep breath as the smell of sugar and pastries entered his system, letting his eyes flutter shut momentarily as it washed over him. The familiar sweet smell of the bakery settled any nerves that were left from the short chase, and he shoved the other two apples into his pockets before he continued crunching on the first one.

He pushed himself away from the door and wandered around the shop floor slowly as he finished it off. He didn't want to talk to Niki while he was still eating- apparently it was considered rude, and he didn't want to be rude to one of the only adults who were actually nice to him. Thankfully, Niki was preoccupied with a customer at the counter; so Tommy was able to gaze longingly at some of the fresh sweets as he munched on his apple.

Decorated cookies sat beside cupcakes and slices of different types of cake sat behind display cases, and breads of all different kinds and styles sat in baskets around the shelves. He was almost tempted to sneak a piece from one, but he held his hands behind his back. This was Niki's bakery. He didn't want to steal from her.

Once he did finish it off, he tucked the apple core into his pocket, ignoring the way the juice seeped into the cloth as he wiped the stickiness from his hands. Only once he was sure Niki was free for a minute did he finally slink away from the back of the shop and approach the front.

Niki spotted him almost instantly as he approached and she beamed. "Tommy! Sorry, I didn't see you come in."

"That's ok!" He tucked his hands behind his back with a grin. "You were busy with a customer. I didn't want to interrupt."

"Well, I appreciate it." She smiled. "You here for your bread? I think Jack's almost done with it." She nodded back towards the kitchen.

Tommy nodded. "I am!" He rocked a bit on his feet. "But- There's no rush, though! I can always come back another day-"

"No no, it's alright." She cut him off and waved him forward, opening up the short door that led behind the counter. "Go on and head back there. If it's not done yet, I'd love to have your help decorating some cupcakes."

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