Twigs And Flowers

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Two days later, Tommy found himself lounging on his window seat with Clementine cradled in his lap. It was just after lunch, and the sun cast an almost perfect circle of light onto his rug through the window; if Tommy wasn't sitting beside it.

Sam had said it was ok for him to eat in his room so he could keep Clementine company, and he was incredibly glad he did. While he didn't doubt Ranboo and Tubbo's ability to properly set and wrap her wing, he couldn't help but worry about her; especially when he wasn't in the same room as her. Because what if she hurt herself while he was gone? What if she hurt her wing again or worse while he was away, and no one knew? He didn't want to leave her alone to basically suffer while he was off doing something else. Clementine was his friend as well as his responsibility; and he needed to make sure she was ok.

Sam seemed to understand his worry, and had even given Tommy apple chunks and sunflower seeds for her to eat; instructing him to not let her eat the bread from his sandwich. Apparently, eating bread isn't very good for birds; and Tommy made a mental note to avoid sharing bread with her. But currently, she was eating happily from his cupped hand. It was full of sunflower seeds and apple chunks, and she made a happy clicking sound every now and then as she ate from Tommy's hand. In his other hand though, he had a book.

Ranboo had said it could take almost 2 months for Clementine's wing to heal completely; so Tommy had gone to the library in town to find a book on crows and similar birds. He wanted to make sure he gave Clementine everything she could possibly want and need. And right now, he was reading about their nesting habits.

'Nest construction usually starts in March, and can continue into June if their nest fails.' It said, and Tommy frowned. It was early June right now, and the book didn't say anything about a specific date the crows usually stop constructing nests. He gave Clementine a worried look as she ate. She didn't seem like she was anxious to build a nest; so hopefully the late time of year wouldn't affect her ability to build a comfortable nest. Tommy wasn't sure if he'd be able to make one she'd be completely comfortable in.

Especially when he read a little further down and realized crows usually made their nests out of small twigs and sticks- not fabric. Chewing on his lip, he looked at Clementine again as she ate the last apple chunk from his hand. Wiping his hand off on his shorts, he scratched the top of her head; earning a soft thrilling noise from the bird.

"Is your nest too soft or something?" Tommy asked, knowing he wouldn't get an answer as he turned his gaze towards the small pile of fabric he'd made into a vague nest-shape. "I didn't even think that was possible..But the book says you guys usually use twigs 'n shit. Have you been comfortable? Have you been sleeping ok?" He bit his lip again, flickering his gaze out the window. He really wanted Clementine to be comfortable. She deserved it for being such a sweet bird. She didn't seem like she was in too much pain, but he wanted to make sure she felt at home while she stayed with him.

His eyes landed on the forest outside his window and he furrowed his eyebrows as he started to think. "I could get you some sticks so you can build a proper nest. So you're not uncomfortable while you're here." He looked back down at her; not really sure what kind of response he was expecting from a bird that couldn't understand him- let alone speak.

Clementine just cawed quietly at him, pecking gently at his thumb in no real effort to hurt him. Tommy chuckled and let her poke and prod at his hand; setting the book down and using his now free hand to stroke her back.

"I'm really happy you like me, y'know.." He whispered to her. "I didn't think I'd see you again after we met in the alley..But I'm glad we did- Even if it was because you got hurt." he chuckled. "I'm just glad you're here." She made a warbling noise up at him and he laughed a bit more. "I'll take that as a sign that you're glad too?" Another warbling noise, and she pressed the top of her head against his palm; letting him rub gently over the part of her face where her second eye was supposed to be. Tommy laughed. " Aw.. " He cooed, bringing her up against his chest and lightly scritching the top of her head. "Gods, you are literally the sweetest bird ever."

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