..The Only Way Left To Go Is Up

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When Wilbur and his twin arrived in the mortal realm that morning- they hadn't been expecting a member of their father's flock to race right up to them, cawing wildly about Tommy being upset and not being able to fix it on her own. The two were- reasonably -upset about the idea of Tommy being alone without any comfort, so they gave the bird the order to cheer him up by any means necessary.

"Give him something from my offerings." Wilbur and Techno had said at basically the same time. "Try and cheer him up with gifts. We have to run a few errands, but we should get there around mid-afternoon and we'll take it from there."

The crow puffed up with her new mission, and she took off back towards the town.

The two of them went about their business until the sun was arching towards the west, and they finally made their way towards town.

Techno grumbled a bit as they also made their way out of the forest and into the busy town. Wilbur glanced at him and frowned at his brother's hunched-in form. He was practically glaring at anyone who seemed to get too close to him, and WIlbur slowed his steps to knock shoulder with him.

"You're alright, Tech." He whispered. "Everything's ok. You're gonna be fine."

"I don't like bein' here." He mumbled back, his disdain for people practically radiating off him. "You remember what this town did to me."

Wilbur winced at the reminder of Techno being essentially raised to be a glorified human sacrifice just cause of his eye color. And how Wilbur had to practically drag him out of the Temple to get him to safety and actually listen to anything he said. He nodded solemnly. "I know..But, think about it this way." He looped his arm through Techno's. "That was almost 2 thousand years ago..None of those people are around anymore. And those people are all long and gone now. Those practices went out after dad brought us in."

Techno sighed. "I know, I just.." He trailed off, shaking his head. "Let's just get Tommy and get into the forest. There are way too many people here."

Wilbur's chest pinged with sympathy, and he gave his twin's arm a reassuring squeeze before letting go. "If you're more comfortable, you can wait out here." He offered, pausing as they reached the steps of the Temple. "You can sit on a bench while I go in and grab him?"

Techno considered this for a moment, glancing around before shaking his head with a deep breath. "I'll be fine."

"If you're sure?" Wilbur asked, just to double check. Techno nodded and folded his arms over his chest before schooling expression into something neutral.

Together, the two of them climbed the rest of the stairs up to the dark, double doors of the Temple. Right as they got to the top, the doors flew open and a woman with curly brown hair and white streaks came out in a frantic manner. Instantly though, she jumped back, putting a hand on her chest as she calmed down. "Gods- Sorry about that you two! I didn't see you."

"Oh, it's alright!" Wilbur quickly reassured, shooting her his signature easy grin. "What's the rush?"

"Oh, my son fired one of our Temple Hands today and I need to find him before the sun sets." The woman- who WIlbur recognized as Puffy-rubbed a hand down her face. "I don't want Tommy sleeping outside just because Dream made a bad decision."

Wilbur and Techno both froze at Tommy's name, and it took him a second to register what she'd just said. "Wait- Tommy? Blonde hair, blue eyes, about yay big?" He held a hand out to Tommy's height.

Puffy nodded, biting her lip anxiously as she scanned the crowd behind them- presumably searching for Tommy. "That's him, yeah..Do you know where he is?"

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