Chapter 1

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Alright I'm just gonna do my first idea and maybe after this book the other one but I'm to exited for this and wanna write so I hope you guys have fun reading thisss

No one's pov

"Wennieee wake uppppp" Enid screamed jumping on her gf beds who was sleeping with her arms crossed like she just died

"Enid, I am wake" Wednesday says emotionless opening her eyes and looking at Enid

"Oh hiiii, how did you sleep?" Enid asked happily laying down on top of her gf

Wednesday flinched not being used to touch, she and Enid have been dating for 5 months now but Wednesday still flinched at Enid's touch sometimes

"Like the death, you?" Wednesday asked slowly wrapping her arms around her gf

Enid smiled at her knowing Wednesday only let Enid touch her and she would be okay with touching Enid

"I slept fine babycakes" enid said kissing Wednesday cheek and getting off the bed to get ready

"Wha why you getting up so early? We have no school today remember?" Wednesday groans softly looking at her watch that seeing it was only 7.40 am

Enid smiled gandering some clothes and walking to the bathroom saying "I'm going shopping with Yoko, but she needs to be back at 2 pm that's why we go so early"

Wednesday nodded as Enid walked in the bathroom

Even do they have been dating for 5 months they're still taking it slow hugs, kisses, cuddles and holding hands was okay with Wednesday but they did nothing more and Enid was completely fine with that

While Enid was changing, Wednesday also got up and got behind her typewriter and begin to work on her novel

After a few minutes Enid walked out the bathroom with fresh clothes and makeup on
She smiled when she saw her gf sitting behind her typewriter

Enid walked over to Wednesday and kissed her head saying "I'll be back later, text me if you need anything alright?"

Wednesday hummed softly and looked at Enid saying "have fun Cara Mia"

Enid blushed and walked out the dorm searching for her best friend, Yoko tanaka

Enid's pov

I walked to Yoko's dorm and knocked
The door opened and I saw Yoko who smiled at me and said "I'm ready let's go"

I smile and nod as we started walking to the train station that went to the shopping centre

Me and Yoko walked around shopping and talking about random shit when we came to a topic Yoko wanted to ask questions about for 5 months

"Soooo how's dating Wednesday Addams?" she asked smirking while sipping from her blood bag

I rolled my eyes with a stupid smile on my face as I said "well it's different sometimes Ofcouse, miss I have no emotion does have emotion but she's really a softie and a cutie"

"Oh? How is miss I hate everyone a cutie?" Yoko asked laughing as we sat down by a restaurant taking a break from walking and shopping

"Well she's a cutie because if she wants something she like cuddles or kisses she will just be very close to me till I get the point, she does not like asking for it" I said smiling at Yoko

Yoko giggled and said "Ofcourse she does not were taking about Wednesday Addams right now"

I chuckle and say "yeah and she has dimples when she smiles"

Yoko choked and said while coughing "sh-she ha-has dimples?"

"Yea" I said smiling at the memorie when Wednesday smiled, a real big smile and you could see her dimples

"How did you get her to smile in gods name Enid?" Yoko asked looking at me

I giggle and grab my phone showing a picture of Wednesday her face being covered in my pink lipstick, you could also see her smile and dimples real good in the picture, that's why it's my favourite one

"Wow anymore things about Addams I should know?" Yoko said chuckling and giving me my phone back

I took my phone back and thought for a moment and then said "well she's touch starved, oh and she snaps her fingers when she's nervous or anxious about something"

"Oh wow who knew that she could get nervous and anxious" Yoko said putting her blood bag back in her mouth

I chuckled and looked at my phone to see it was around 1.28 pm

I looked at Yoko and said "we need to go back, it's almost 2 pm"

Yoko nodded and we stood up walking back to the train station, while we were walking I heard faint cries

I looked up at Yoko who also heard it and pointed at a small ally saying "that's where the sound comes from"

Me and Yoko looked at each other for a second before walking to the ally

When we got there I saw a small baby wrapped in a black blanket with stars on it, there was also a note saying

To Who ever find her
please take care of her, I don't have the money to take care of her so I have to give her away, please keep her safe and make sure she grows up living a perfect life, she's around 1 year old thank you

My mouth fell open as I looked at Yoko who was reading the note over my shoulder

After she was done reading she looked at me and said "you have to take her Enid, who knows what for person is gonna take her if you don't?"

I looked back at the small girl who had green-blue eyes and a bit of black hair on her head

I smiled at her and pick her up, she immediately stopped crying and looked at me

I look at Yoko who was smirking at me as I sigh and say "fine, but only because we don't know what's going to happen to her if I don't take her"

Yoko excitedly jumped in the air and looked at the small girl saying

"Hello, im gonna be your auntie" she said smiling at the girl we giggled

I laughed and thought about Wednesday how would she react, she doesn't really like change, well we will see


I hope you guys liked this chapter

I really wanted to begin with this book and now I can, If you want to see anything in this book just let me know

Have a nice day and take care

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