Chapter 8

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No one's pov

It was finally weekend and both Enid and Wednesday were exhausted, taking care of Luna took almost all of their energy, but they loved it

It was almost summer, so getting hotter, and today it was one of the hottest days om nevermore

Not only Enid was uncomfortable because she was a werewolf but Wednesday and Luna were also uncomfortable

Wednesday loves cold weather and hates the heat, it's not like she can't deal with it it's just she doesn't like being warm all the time

And for Luna they didn't know why, both Enid and Wednesday think Luna might be a werewolf because she acts like enid a lot, but that can also be because enid is one of the mothers that's raising her

Anygays they decided it was a great day to go to the lake that was right next to the forest of nevermore

So here they are, enid carrying Luna while Wednesday carried their stuff

Enid's pov

Me and Wednesday were talking about math class while walking towards the lake

I was in a pink 2 piece swimsuit while Wednesday wore a black one piece, Luna was in a swim diaper and a swim shirt so she wouldn't get sunburned

When we finally got there, Wednesday had put down the stuff and sat up the chairs and sat in it, this was Luna's first time in the water, and she looked very excited

I smiled at her and put on her swim jacket, I kissed Wednesday cheek who grabbed a book and went to read, while I went to swim with luna

Wednesday doesn't really like swimming but she still comes with me if I wanted to go to the lake

I walked into the water carrying Luna who yelped feeling the cold water, I laughed and said

"You like it sweetie?" I smiled at Luna

She nodded and quickly begin the splash the water on me, making me pick her up and throw her softly into the water

She looked at me with no emotion in her face, causing me to panic, but quickly bursted out in laughing

I smiled and picked her again throwing her in the water, this went on for a half hour and then we returned to Wednesday

I sat Luna down on Wednesdays lap who brabbelde to her probably telling her what happed, she's still learning to talk so it's a bit funny to hear, but some words you can understand like mamá and mommy

Wednesday listed carefully while drying her, after Luna was done telling Wednesday about everything, Wednesday grabbed a box with watermelon in it and helped Luna eat it

"Hey where my food?"  I asked smirking at Wednesday who just rolled her eyes and said

"Oh oops think I forgot" she said with a small smirk

I give her my best puppy eyes making her blush and point to the bag

I giggle softly grabbing my own food and sitting on the car next to weds

Luna was done eating and was now laying on Wednesdays chest

I giggle at the sight and feed Wednesday some of my food, after that Luna was very Energetic and wanted to swim again but now with the both of us, I looked at Wednesday to see if it was okay she nodded as I smiled and held her hand

In my other arm I was carrying Luna who was excitedly jumping up and down in my arm

We got in water as I was holding Wednesday close to me, I know she doesn't like the water

Luna was playful splashing around when it started to rain, Wednesday immediately turned to me and said

"It's raining we're going back otherwise you get sick and maybe Luna gets sick to" she said seriously

"It will be fine μωρό" I said kissing her cheek making her blush because I was speaking Greek to her

"Fine amour but I'm going out the water" Wednesday said crossing her arms

"Alright we will be there in a minute" i said kissing her softly

While Wednesday swam back, I picked up Luna and played with her in the water for a few more minutes but then she sneezed

"Bless you" I said smiling but thinking "Goddamit weds is gonna kill me"

I got out the water with Luna and helped Wednesday carry the stuff to our dorm

Once we got there Wednesday went to take a shower but Luna wouldn't stop crying till Wednesday took her with her (me when my gfs doesn't take me with her to shower😔)

I changed into comfortable clothes and laid down on my bed and watched some TikTok

Wednesdays pov

When me and Luna were done showering I dried her  and put on some fresh clothes for the both of us, I also saw that Luna was sneezing a lot and her nose was a bit red

"I swear if she's sick, I'm gonna kill Enid" I mumbled grabbing a potion my mother made

It's a potion to see if someone's sick, if they're nose turn pink they're sick, if they stay the same colour as it was they're not

I gave it to Luna and her nose instantly turned pick

I groaned before picking her up and walking the bathroom walking to Enid's bed

"She sick so if she cries tonight she's all yours"


Apologies for the late update I didn't know what to write also Enid was speaking Greek, I like it when in wenclair fanfics people say her family is Greek so she knows Greek

Have a nice day and take care

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