New School, New Trouble

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Liy stepped into the building, after getting expelled at her old school, she was moved here. BFB (Better For Better) Academy. As Liy looked around, she noticed three groups. A seemly tensed group lead by a match and a pencil. A large friend group snacking on very large fries. And a group of seemly random people fighting another group Liy couldn't see.

"Welcome to history class people! We have cool new student today!" Professor Nine gestured for Liy to come up. "Hi, I'm Liy, and I-" She was interrupted by the Pencil she saw earlier. "Liy? Is that a weird nickname or what?" The pencil said. Professor Nine spoke up "Well Pencil, Its shorter then Lightswitch, so it makes sense for Liy to use-" they interrupted too, by the Match this time. "Don't even question Pence-Pence! Liy IS a weird name after all, Isn't it?" Liy curled her hands into a fist, a promptly launched off the teacher's desk and kicked someone's desk into the match's.

"Match are you okay?!" Pencil started yelled. Liy kicked the face of the now toppled over match. "Go! Go! Go! Go!" The class started to yell, even the teacher yelled too. "Hey I spent so long on my makeup, your messing-" The match was in the middle of speaking when a head punched their stomach. "Oof! What is your problem Remote! I didn't do anything to you this week!" The match yelled over all the noise. "Wanna help clean the classroom?" Remote asked Liy, smiling faintly. Liy responded to that with stepping on the Match's foot. "Get off Match already or iance is going to DESTROY your little band!" Pencil screamed at the two trouble-makers. Remote stepped away from Match, but Liy promptly punched Pencil instead. "I have no clue what this Band or iance is, but I'd rather keep fighting, thank you." Liy replied to the now outraged Pencil. "What is going on here!" Said a blue figure in standing in the doorway. "Pencil and Liy, you two are coming to my office!" They said angrily. The others in the classroom stared at the two pitifully, Pencil seemed to be nervous too. I wonder what's about.

(A/N: I wrote this at like 1:00AM- I just got this idea randomly when I was scrolling Youtube, I hope you like! 382 words)

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