Shattered minds

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There were serval gasps around the classroom, including the teacher. "Like, what did Pencil do wrong?" The gem asked. Someone leaned towards them and loudly whispered "Ruby, stoip asking toi be shattered!" Everyone in the class room started whispering. "Okay, but like why did you fight her?" Ruby asked again. "Even new students know that's a death sentence!" Somone yelled out, making the classroom erupt into chaos, even a few students who were walking around the halls stopped to see what the drama was about. She saw a periwinkle gate and a saw with a pink handle walk into the room. "Guys stop yelling! What is all this gEIGHT drama that's happening?" The saw yelled, and somehow actually getting everyone to stop yelling. A fishy-smelling taco jumped up and opened her mouth to speak. "Saw! You wouldn't believe what just happened! So basically-" The taco was cut off by the teacher. "Oh my decimal, can you students just let the drama go already? Pencil said what she said and Liy did what she did, just let it go." The teacher groaned, quieting the rest of the class. Another hand rose up. "What music do you like?"

After art class, Liy still had a few introductions to do. Liy looked down at her schedule. History and art, done. I just have Literacy, Math and Social Studies. And maybe Band, too. Liy looked at the clock. An hour till' lunch. She walked down the hallway, checking each door until she found the Literacy Room. When she stepped in, she was greeted by who she assumed to be her teacher for Literacy. "Welcome to Literacy class. I'm your teacher for this class, Professor Ten, or just Ten. Come along, let's get you a seat." Liy followed Ten to a vacant seat. "You'll be sitting next to Leafy and Foldy." Liy sat in her seat and pulled out her phone to watch something while waiting for anymore students to arrive. The student next to her, Leafy she thought, was already chattering endlessly. "And have you met Book?" Leafy asked, out of the blue. Liy thought for a moment then spoke. "No, I don't think I have. Who are they?" Leafy nodded then continued.  "Book is just a bit controlling, but nothing too bad! Although she could use a better cover, at least a redesign! I'm pretty sure after last year, Ice Cube is on the verge of pushing her off Yoyle Needy." Leafy continued to ramble, while Liy restarted her episode of Inanimate Ultimate. Liy looked up, Leafy had stopped rambling and seemed to be chatting with another student.

After all the students arrived, Liy overheard Foldy talking about the old literacy teacher. "Wait, is Ten new?" Liy asked Leafy, who nodded in response. "I think the other professors knew Ten before he was a teacher, Four mentioned a teacher called 'Eight' being in a club with him." Leafy told Liy whilst fiddling with a sticky-note. "When is class going to start?" Liy asked, watching Leafy fiddle. Leafy shrugged and threw the sticky-note in the trash. Liy wondered about the note for a moment but shrugged it off and went back to watch Inanimate Ultimate.  

"Okay, we can start class now. I just had to take a call." Professor Ten said, already starting to write something on the board. When he finished writing, Liy managed to get a glance of what he had written. Authors and meaning behind literary works? Liy inquired silently. "You should know many famous authors, such as, Seashell King, Ms. Speaker Thing,  Candle .S, and others. Most of these authors have some sort-of of meaning behind their work, or a lesson to learn from character's mistakes in the book." Ten droned on, making many of her classmates grimace about the next hour. Liy connected her phone to her wireless headphones and started to play music.


"And that's it for the lesson! See you all on the second day of school!" Ten waved them goodbye as the rest of the class ushered out of the room. Objects streamed out of their classrooms, heading for the cafeteria. Liy managed to find Remote in crowd, and walked with her to the lunch line. "So like, how chaotic is lunch normally?" Remote looked at Liy as she asked, then responded. "Just cover your head and hope we don't have marsh potatoes today."

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