Four's Office

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Liy stepped into the blue room, it was littered with sheets and math posters. "Sit down and grab a seat." Liy sat down and looked at her sheet. "As you know, I am Professor Four. The sooner you finish these sheets the sooner you get out of my office." Professor Four stated, Liy raised an eyebrow but didn't say anything. About an hour of waiting later, Pencil finally turns in her worksheet. Professor Four looked at it, looked up with rage and opened their mouth.

"SCREECH!" The made both Pencil and Liy cover their ears. "It was just ONE wrong answer!" Pencil basically yelled.  Liy groaned as she rubbed her head, already getting a headache.  "Pencil! This worksheet is unfinished and incorrect! As for Liy, you may go, as you finished the worksheet correctly!" Professor Four said loudly. 

Liy walked out of the office rubbing her head, it was still throbbing. She headed towards Art Class, noticing posters for a few clubs and a band. How interesting. Maybe I'll join one, sounds fun. As she walked into the class she noticed Remote was there, sitting at a table with a tree and a pillow. She sat down next to Remote and waved at her. "Oh hey! Didn't expect you to be here! Guys this is the person who beat up pencil in History!" Remote said to the others. "Hello, I'm Tree and this is pillow." Liy nodded, and glanced at the people around the Classroom. A cyan figure walked into the classroom, seemly another teacher. "Welcome to Art Class everyone, we have a new student today." The figure stated dryly. Liy went up to the class and waved at her new classmates. "Hello, I'm Liy, and I like making music. Any questions?" Beside a bubble, a red gemstone raised her hand. "Why did you fight Pencil?"

(A/N: This took me awhile to make, I started it, had to go on a family trip, worked on it till 1:00 am, and finished it in the morning! See yall next chapter! 339 words)

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