#Getting sniped by school rice!!

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Liy and Remote walked to Death P.U.N.K's table, eariler then the others. Liy was nibbling on her PB and J sandwich while Remote was ranting about something science related.

"And you see, that is why plutonium is not good to consume. I know someone who tried, couldn't even get their-" Remote was cut off by a rather messy-looking bush plopping down across from them. 

"Hi Remote and.. who are you?" The plant stared at Liy while ate awkwardly. "..I'm Liy..?" She replied back, staring at them. They looked Liy up and down with a look that Liy could only describe as the look you get when you see a text message you don't remember sending. "Okay, Liy, why are you at our table?" Remote was waving her hands near the plant to get their attention before actually speaking with them. "Tree, this is our newest recruit!" Remote said to Tree, who was still looking skeptical. "You know, Remote, the name Liy rings a couple in my head." Tree said, looking exasperated. "Maybe the fact a new student who just happens to also be called Liy had beat up somebody over a petty insult to her name? I'm not deaf, Remote. I can hear the gossip." Remote slammed her fist down to the lunch table. "Tree, she fought Match and Pencil, do you blame her? Those two needed someone to put them in their place." Remote grumbled, and sparked Tree to reply. "There's peaceful ways of dealing with things!" Tree started to argue with Remote about something anti-violence related and another thing about not checking with a pastry.  


The cafeteria filled with more people, while Tree and Remote argued Liy took note of the other students. A book and ice cube from the group Match and Pencil were talking to, A tennis ball and golf ball carrying a large science-y looking device, and a group of troublesome-looking boys consisting of an eraser, pen, and red block. To Liy's dismay, the group headed towards Death P.U.N.K's table.  The pen waved back to the others as they walked away, eventually he sat down and noticed the two arguing. "Tree, Remote! What has got you two so worked up?"                                                 Liy glared at him, and he glanced at her when Tree grumbled her name with his face in arms down to the table. "Come on, Tree! I'm sure she only uses violence as a last resort. We've all punched someone, don't be stingy!" he sat down and waved at her in a friendly manner. "Hi, my name is Ben, but call me Pen. So.. Liy, is it?" Pen tapped his shoes on the cafeteria floor, making a pitter-padder noise. "Yeah. It's Liy, who were those boys you were with eariler?" Liy inquired, just as a school hamburger hit the side of her head-

(I wanted anyone seeing this before I abandon this fic.)

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