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( the fire. )

The walk back to Florence's flat was short, since the young woman was trying to get there as quickly as she could

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The walk back to Florence's flat was short, since the young woman was trying to get there as quickly as she could. She didn't feel very safe walking alone at night, and she didn't want to take any risks that put her in danger.

She still did not have a clear answer as to why she and Grace had moved to Birmingham. Grace had said it was not permanent and she needed to be closer to family, but who? Florence didn't know a thing about Grace's relatives. The only thing she knew was that Grace's father had died. The woman didn't like talking about her family or past, which Florence understood. She never bothered to ask Grace, anytime the topic came up the woman would go quiet.

For the entirety of the way back to her flat, Florence was thinking about her conversation with Thomas. She tried her best to think of any time William had mentioned Thomas in one of his letters, but she did not recall a thing. William always talked about his friends from the war, so surely he would have mentioned the man's name. It made her wonder if the two had not been friends for long, so William never got the chance to tell her about him. Another part of her wondered if maybe he was trying to get under her skin, but something about that did not seem right either. It was all so strange to her.

She managed to make it home without a single fuss. She quickly unlocked the front door and stepped into the entrance of the dark flat, closing and locking it behind her. It was completely silent, but Florence could see that the kitchen light was on above the stairs. She assumed Grace was still awake.

"Grace?" Florence called out as she took her coat off and hung it on the coat rack.

She walked up the stairs and went towards the kitchen, seeing Grace seated at the dining room table with a glass of water in one hand and a book in the other. Her blue eyes flicked up to the dark-haired girl as she entered the room.

"You're back late." Grace spoke before taking a sip of her water.

"I know." Florence replied, deciding to make a drink for herself. "I would've been back a bit earlier if Harry and I didn't have so much to tidy up... and if Thomas Shelby hadn't payed me a visit."

She could hear Grace set her book on the table and turn in her chair. Florence grabbed the bottle of wine Harry had given them as a welcome present and popped it open, pouring the maroon liquid into a glass. She could feel Grace's eyes on her now, the atmosphere of the room seeming to change.

"Why?" She asked, concern laced in her voice. "What did he want?"

"He wanted to apologize for what he said to me earlier today." Florence replied. She was hesitant to say anything else, but she spoke again. "Apparently he knew William."

She turned and leaned against the counter, taking a sip of her wine. She watched as Grace's eyebrows raised, her mouth falling slightly agape.

"From where? The war?" The blonde questioned.

UNHOLY WAR,   thomas shelby.Where stories live. Discover now