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( the cheltenham races. )

The day Florence planned to go to the Cheltenham Races with Thomas had finally arrived

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The day Florence planned to go to the Cheltenham Races with Thomas had finally arrived.

She was nervous. Why was she so nervous? The question reappeared in her mind as she rummaged through her bedroom that bright and early Sunday morning. She couldn't seem to find her white heels. Florence dug through her wardrobe, along with the drawer where she kept most of her shoes, but they were nowhere to be found.

She couldn't figure out what was causing her nerves to skyrocket. Perhaps it was the night Thomas stumbled into the bar and the two shared a bottle of whiskey together. After Florence had concluded the song for him, he agreed to let them play music on Saturday nights. He complimented the way she played the piano as well. Although the night started off depressing, it got better and the two were able to actually enjoy each other's company. Florence enjoyed him more than she thought she ever would. Florence began to think differently of the cold man, better of him. He didn't seem as horrible as everyone perceived him to be.

But, then again, she hadn't seen him at his worst.

She finally pulled the white heels out from under one of her coats, a sigh of relief escaping her lips as she set them on her bed next to her dress. For the first time, the sun was shining brightly outside. It was refreshing to see. Florence undressed and slipped her purple dress on. Thomas was going to be there shortly, so she had to get ready quickly. She took a seat at her vanity, putting a bit of makeup on her face. After doing so, she grabbed her bottle of perfume and spritzed it onto her skin, the scent of amber and vanilla filling the room.

She decided against putting her hair up, knowing she would probably have a hat on for most of the day anyway. Florence got up and grabbed threw her shoes on, noticing how the heels made her seem a few inches taller than she actually was. She wasn't one to wear heels, but they were the only shoes she had that matched with the dress.

She heard the sound of a car engine outside. Thomas had arrived to pick her up.

In a sudden rush, Florence made her way down the stairs. She heard Thomas knock on the door. She unlocked and opened it, their eyes meeting immediately. He looked quite handsome, he had on a grey suit that made his blue eyes look even brighter than they already were. He had the same dark grey hat he always had covering his dark hair as well.

"Hello, Miss Olsen." Thomas smiled politely. He took a moment to study her. She looked quite beautiful. "Are you ready?" He asked.

"Yes." She replied, stepping outside beside him so she could lock the door.

He offered her his arm, and she took it gladly. They made their way to the car. It was a very nice car, a sleek black color. It looked almost brand new. Thomas opened the passenger door for Florence and allowed her to slip inside before closing it and joining her on the driver's side.

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