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Florence spent most of her day trying her best to collect her thoughts

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Florence spent most of her day trying her best to collect her thoughts. Thomas had offered her a job as his secretary the night before, and Florence had promised she would give him an answer after the Garrison closed. It had kept her up nearly all night, trying to sort out the reasons why she should or shouldn't take his offer. She had a lot of questions that she was intending to ask, mainly about the hours and what she would be given as her payment. Florence wanted to know if she could still work at the Garrison as well. If she could stay there, Grace wouldn't get suspicious. Hopefully.

She didn't dare say a word to Grace about what had happened. She knew exactly what she would say: No. And that would only make Florence want to take the offer. That's just how Florence was, if someone told her she couldn't do something, she would only want to do it more. She didn't want Grace to see this as an opportunity for her to get information on the Shelby family either. Florence had said she wanted no part in her business, but even still Grace could try to find a way to get to the family, specifically to Thomas, through Florence. She didn't want that.

Florence stood behind the counter of the Garrison, cleaning up the rum that had been spilled by one of the drunken men. She was exhausted, it had been one of the busier days of the week. Grace was rushing back and forth from the back of the bar to the counter, replacing the empty bottles of alcohol with full bottles. They were going through bottles rapidly. Grace looked just exhausted as Florence.

"Let me help." Florence offered Grace as she set the towel in her hand on the back counter. Grace nodded and thanked her, before the two went to the back to grab new bottles of whiskey.

Grace had been acting a bit odd that afternoon. Florence assumed it was because of the long day they had. They were slowly getting back to the friends they once were, small talk turned into full conversation and they could actually tolerate being around each other. But on this day, they barely spoke. Florence found herself initiating every conversation, and Grace was quick to end them. She was keeping herself busy to stay away from Florence, the brunette noticed her wiping down tables that she had wiped down 5 minutes before.

Florence was the one who finished replacing all of the bottles while Grace upheld the drunken men crowding the bar. Florence found herself envying the men, she wished she could have a drink for herself. She hoped maybe Thomas would crack open a bottle when he came to visit.

Throughout the day, Florence watched the clock tick by until it finally hit closing time. Harry and Grace packed up their things and left, leaving Florence to close up on her own. Harry had applauded her for taking the initiative to close as often as she did, it was a tiring job but Florence liked to keep herself busy. It kept her mind leveled, and often made it easier for her to figure things out in her brain.

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