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The Garrison was bustling with people

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The Garrison was bustling with people.

The Shelby brothers had come into the pub with the intention of celebrating and drinking until they could hardly walk. The youngest brother, John, had just gotten married. Florence assumed this was the family gathering that Ada was to attend; She wondered if she made it there.

As Arthur and John walked into the private room, Thomas made his way over to Florence at the bar. He seemed to be in a cheery mood, which made Florence hopeful that she could successfully ask questions.

"A day of celebration, ay?" Florence asked him, already reaching for a bottle of dark rum.

"Indeed, Florence." Thomas replied. Though he looked happy, Florence caught a glimpse of mischief in his eyes. "My brother is a married man, and my sister is having a baby."

Florence's eyes widened. It felt like only yesterday that she saw Ada and her baby bump, but in reality, it was nearly a week ago.

"Right now?" Florence asked. When Thomas nodded, she continued on. "How is she?"

Though Florence didn't know too much about pregnancy, she knew that birthing a child was both painful and unpleasant. She hoped both Ada and her child would be happy and healthy.

"She'll be alright." Thomas replied. His eyes shifted down to the counter, and it sounded almost as though he was assuring himself rather than Florence.

Florence handed him a bottle of rum with three glasses. He thanked her and walked off into the private room, where he could get drunk and properly celebrate with his brothers.

Ten minutes hardly passed by before Arthur opened the window of the private room and asked for another bottle. Florence grabbed it off the shelf and turned back, but he had already shut the window. She walked around the counter and entered the private room, where the three wasted brothers had been celebrating. It was clear that they had already been drinking quite a bit. They had nearly finished off their first bottle. Thomas had disappeared from the room, however.

"To beautiful women." Arthur cheered, raising his glass in the air. John did the same, and they gulped down the last of their drinks.

Florence set the new bottle of rum down before grabbing the empty one. John mentioned that he should leave, since it was his wedding night after all.

"Sit down." Arthur replied. "You don't want to be among women when there's a baby coming. Have another." He poured John another glass of rum.

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