Chapter 3.

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Vinny woke up at 5:48Am. His knees hurt a little. Vinny didn't usually wake up this early. He usually awoke at 6:25Am. Vinny decided to use this time to look at the notebook. There was a new page. The page was about Rachel. He dove into the page.

Full name: Rachel Amberstein
Date of Birth: May 30, 2007
Age: 14
Nationality: American
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Height: 174cm
Weight: 56kg
Blood type: A

Rachel Amberstein was born at 3:18Am on May 30, 2007. Rachel is a shy girl, but can easily win a fight. Rachel had 4 past best friends, Vinny, Peter, Joseph, and William. She became distant from them in 6th grade due to an incident.

'Due to an incident? What happened? Wait a minute, how is there a page about Rachel? There were only 4 pages yesterday, now there are 5! Does a new page get written everyday?' Vinny looked at the clock. It was 5:50Am, Vinny was a fast reader. He grabbed the book he had been reading. He tried to forgot about the notebook as he read. At 6:23Am Vinny started to get ready. He brushed his hair and looked at himself in the mirror. "Did I get taller?" Vinny said his thought out loud. Vinny looked at the notebook again. Instead of his height being written in pencil it was now written in a slick black pen. Vinny looked in the mirror. His body looked more bony, probably because he became taller but didn't increase in weight. Vinny went downstairs. His mom was making breakfast as his dad read the newspaper on the couch. Vinny's family looked as if it had come from the 1950's. There were only 3 electronics in the whole house. Vinny sat down at the table. "Good morning mom and dad." Vinny's mom looked up from the pan she was cooking with to look at Vinny. "Vinny, did you take those vitamins I gave you? You look tired." Vinny lied, "I did take them, mom. I just woke up earlier than usual." Vinny had forgotten to take the vitamins. Vinny's dad put the newspaper down and sat down at the table. Vinny's mom put the plates on the table. Vinny's plate was rice, a sunny side up egg, bacon, and some broccoli. His mom came back with a cup of milk too. Vinny ate his food as his parents talked about bills and taxes. As Vinny finished his food and put them in the sink he walked by the wall. Since he was 5, Vinny had a wall where he would check his height. He had been 158cm for a year now. But now, he was 160cm. His mom was washing the dishes when Vinny went to look for her. "Mom, may I ask you a favour?" His mom looked up with her big black eyes, Vinny had inherited them. "Sure." Vinny knew he was taller but still asked, "May you measure my height?" Vinny's mother nodded, she was busy. Vinny's head was on the wall. His mom used a piece of construction paper and a tape measure to measure height. She made the mark on the wall. She stretched the tape measure. She gasped. "Vinny, you've grown! Only 2 centimetres, but you haven't grown in so long!" 'The notebook worked, it really worked!' Vinny said trying to act surprised, "Really? Yay!" Vinny was smiling on the way to school. Vinny was at his locker as Peter's giant hand hit the locker above. Peter  grinned as he usually did. "Vinny, you look different." Vinny smiled but still asked, "What do you mean and also good morning, Peter." Peter looked at Vinny up and down. "You got taller I think." Vinny was smiling a lot now, "Thanks for saying that. Do you mean it?" Vinny heard the words, "Isn't he cute," that was when he realised how big his smile was. Peter nodded. Joseph and William seemingly appeared from nowhere. "Vinny I heard like 8 girls talking about you." William cracked his knuckles. "Did you grow taller Vinny?" Vinny tried hiding his smile. "We'll see tomorrow at the measurement thing at Gym, William." Every month, the Gym teacher, Mr. Collins, would measure all the student's heights and weights. Vinny had been 158cm the whole year until now. Peter looked in the hallway . His eyes widened. "How did y'all skip school tomorrow?" "My mom thought I was sick," Vinny said with his small voice. Peter whispered, "I just didn't go!" William, Joseph, and Vinny stared. "Me too," Joseph said. "My dad let me skip school, he called them to say I was sick." Joseph and Peter looked very worried. The bell rang.

In algebra, Vinny couldn't stop staring at Rachel. 'What incident happened? Should I just ask her?' Vinny looked away from Rachel to think. Then Mr. Fitzgerald was suddenly handing out a quiz. Vinny gave William a look. William raised his hand so quick that his short hair moved a little. "Mr. Fitzgerald, Vinny and I were sick yesterday so we wouldn't have known there was a test." "I guess you're right, I guess everyone can do the test tomorrow. So study now!" A small cheer came after the announcement. Vinny went straight to his books to study. But he knew he couldnt stop thinking about Rachel. He looked up from his book. Rachel was staring at him. She quickly turned her head away but Vinny saw. 'I should calm down.' William and Vinny were in the same class the next period, chemistry. Vinny was lucky to have William. Vinny studied for chemistry but only did well because of William. The class went by pretty fast, just a lecture and taking notes. Actually the whole day went by pretty fast. Vinny stopped thinking about Rachel in their 3rd period, English because Peter, Joseph, and William were in that class. Rachel and Vinny only shared 1 other class. That class was gym. The uniform for the class was, how do you put it? Outdated. The shorts were too short. The shorts were only a few centimetres away from being underwear. The shirt was extremely tight, making any girl or boy uncomfortable. Today the class wasn't full of despair. Their usual gym teacher, Mr. Rollins, was sick. The substitute was Mr. Fitzgerald. He always let the students play dodgeball. The teams were kind of unfair, one team had 15 people, one had 10. But Peter and Vinny were on the same team. "Are you ready?" Vinny nodded. William, the weakest of the group in Gym, stood at the back as Joseph had the ball. Joseph threw the ball as hard as he could. So it naturally was a weak throw. Peter caught it mid air and threw it back at the other team. It hit a girl in the arm and she walked out with a hand on her arm. Peter yelled out, "Sorry! I was aiming for Joseph." Vinny was behind Peter, as was most of the team. Vinny saw Joseph pick up the ball and he tugged on Peter's too short uniform shirt. Peter was hit. Vinny's whole team scattered in an instant. No one was going to pick the ball up. Vinny ran at the ball and threw it right as he picked it up. It hit Rachel. Vinny's eyes widened.

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