Chapter 6.

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When Vinny was done remembering Peter came back into his room. "I need to bounce my mom doesn't even know I'm here."  "How did you get here if your mom doesn't know? We don't live that close to each other." Vinny and Peter lived 5 blocks away from each other. They could walk to each others houses but they never did. "We have bikes, you know." Peter fake punched Vinny's shoulder. Peter waved goodbye and left for the doorway. Vinny realised, "Peter watch for-." Peter bumped his head on the door yet again. Vinny laughed with Peter.
After dinner Vinny went to his room and changed his height from 160 to 162. 'Should I change other people's heights? Maybe I should've asked them if they wanted to be taller.' After that Vinny brushed his teeth and went to bed. He remembered his dream. It was, um, well strange to cut to the point.

Peter was driving Vinny, Joseph, and William to school. "Wow, you're going to be in high school in just a few months," Peter said as he looked in the mirror. "Yeah, isn't it amazing?" That was Rachel. She was in the shotgun seat. William pushed his glasses up and said, "Peter you can't drive yet." Peter turned his head to look at William. "You're right." Peter turned the steering wheel and the 5 of them were off the road. Screams filled the car. Rachel didn't look that scared. She looked as if, she...

Vinny woke up with his eyes wide and his heart beating like a drum at 6:02. His knees hurt yet again. This time is was a little worse. This would usually put Vinny in a bad mood yet Vinny was happy. 'The pain must be growing pains. Yay!' Vinny went to the notebook. There was a new page.

Full name: Jackson Collins
Date of Birth: July 23, 2006.
Age: 14
Nationality: Irish
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Height: 172m
Weight: 51kg
Blood type: AB

Jackson Collins was born at 3:20Am on July 23, 2006. Jackson has just started at his new school. He has some friends and is trying to be friends with Vinny.

'I'm trying to be friends with you too. Wait, is he Mr. Collin's son?' Vinny smiled. Vinny decided to look at his page too. Vinny was now 162cm, and he was happy about it. Vinny read a little from the book he was currently reading. When he started getting ready he felt taller. He smiled at himself. 'Maybe I should fix my teeth. Then mom and dad wouldn't have to pay for braces.' Vinny had uneven teeth that looked as if he was hit by a bowling ball on the lips. 'I hope I remember.' Vinny went downstairs and the day seemed to pass by so quick. Like yesterday, the day was quick. 'Did time change? Is an hour 1 minute now? Why is everything going by so quickly? Is that a consequence of using the notebook? Should I st-.' Peters hand landed on the desk. Vinny jumped back at the giant hand. "Time for P.E. Also are you ok? You've been pretty silent the whole day. You're usually full of energy and you're usually always listening." Vinny stood up from his chair. Peter was still taller than him but Vinny wasn't a any compared to him. He was a beetle! "Sorry, days have just felt as if they were quicker than usual lately." Peter picked up Vinny. "Well we have to change quickly! Gym is starting soon!" Peter ran to the changing rooms with Vinny in hand. What a sight that must've been. Vinny and Peter were late for P.E. Something Mr. Collins never took rationabbaly. Vinny and Peter had to do 20 push ups. "Attention!" Everyone stiffened as Mr. Collins yelled the names of the people he was going to measure next. Mr. Collins used to yell out the weight and height of students but some parents complained. It was Vinny's turn. Vinny stepped on the stadiometer. The metal it was made off was cold and gave Vinny goosebumps. The slider hit Vinny's head. Vinny heard Mr. Collins whisper, "162, impressive." Vinny stepped on the weight scale. "36.5," Mr. Collins uttered not sounding so impressed. Vinny waked to the corner where everyone sat after having their height and weight measured. He sat next to Jackson. "I didn't know Mr. Collins was your dad." Jackson looked at Vinny. "How'd you know?" HOW WOULD VINNY KNOW??? Vinny calmed down and came up with an excuse. "I saw your last name on a paper." It was silent. 'Did I ruin the mood? Does he still want to be my friend? Oh no...' "So how tall are you?" Jackson looked as if he completely forgot about what they had been talking about. "I'm only 162cm." One of Jackson's eyebrows raised. "Isn't that tall for 8th grade?" Vinny shrugged his shoulders. "My friend, William, is already 176cm at 14. I'm older than him by a few month." Jackson put his hand on Vinny's, "Your friend is just a giant. I'm a 9th grader but I'm only 171cm tall." Honey sat next to Jackson. "Mr. Collins says I should lose some weigh-, oh hi, Vinny." Vinny waved. Jackson said to Honey, "You are in risk of being obese." Honey flipped her braids hitting some other poor girl behind her. "Oh no you didn't! You bet-, you're right." Honey sighed. "Vinny, how can I lose weight?" The question pointed at Vinny caught him off guard. "Vinny's naturally thin," Jackson answered for Vinny. "Honey turned her head and raised her eyebrow. "I guess I can see it, sorry Vinny." "It's okay. People assume that I lost weight lot." Vinny looked at his wrist after doing that. Peter, Joseph, and William all came at the same time. "I got to go, bye." Vinny ran to his other friends. "So yeah, that's how I found out Hai-, oh. Hi, Vinny." Vinny sat next to Peter. "Where were you?" Peter wrapped his hands around Vinny, "I missed you sooo much! I was worried sick." Peter made a smile that was forced. "I was talking to Jackson." Peter, Joseph, and William all turned their heads. "Who?" Joseph said with a genuine tint of confusion.

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