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| I been sleepin' alone all at night, I been strong every night |

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| I been sleepin' alone all at night, I been strong every night |


"Zy'mire stop!" Kentrell yelled after his son that ran around the house with no clothes on, a blank expression upon his face. Kentrell on the other hand was out of breath trying to chase the little boy.

Zy'mire folded his arms, stopping once his breathing picked up. He rolled his eyes plopping down on the cold floor.

"I'm finna whoop yo ass" Kentrell huffed, his hand on his knees, he could feel his heart pumping.

This was the routine of every morning. Kentrell would start by waking up Zuri and Zy'mire for school. Zuri was always cooperative and easy to handle, so Kentrell would assist her first.

When finishing with her, he would go to Zy'mire, but would often find him still fast asleep. It took him almost ten minutes of struggling to wake him up.

Once Zy'mire was finally awake, Kentrell would help him take a bath. However, right after finishing with his bath, Zy'mire would run around the house naked, always wearing a mug on his face.

"C'mon lil boy" Kentrell scooped him up, only for Zy'mire to kick around in his arms. "Zy quit allat"

Kentrell ignored the tantrum that he grew immune to. Packing Zy'mire to his room he shut the door with his foot so the boy wouldn't run out again. Sitting him down on the bed, Kentrell helped him put lotion and his clothes on.

Tying up his shoes and taking the durag off of his head. He smoothed out his braids.

Once he finished, he entered Zuri's room through the opened door. Inside, she was sitting on the floor, playing with their other dog 'Biscuit', a miniature pit-bull.

Ever since Kentrell bought Nola a couple of years ago, he developed a strong affection for dogs.

"Zuri, grab yo backpack, we finna g-" Kentrell's sentence was interrupted by a sudden crash. Irritated, he clicked his tongue and glanced into Zy'mire's room, only to discover it was empty

Hastily making his way to the kitchen, he couldn't believe what he witnessed. Zy'mire stood before the refrigerator pushing the pitcher of kool-aid onto the floor.

"Zy'mire ace, what tha' hell you doin?!" Kentrell rushed over, picking up Zy'mire he popped his leg a few times.

"I want juice" Zy'mire mug deepened, he chucked the ketchup bottle in his hand at Kentrell's head.

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