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|Gotta keep my head above water, gotta make it through

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|Gotta keep my head above water, gotta make it through. |


"Bennett you have 30 seconds to get out here!" Officer Harris shouted, from the other side of the stall

"It doesn't fit, it did at first" Von frowned, staring at the Khaki long sleeve shirt that slid up when he fully got it on."What the hell?"

He stretched the shirt out, in the hope it would expand, however, it didn't. These clothes felt different. Von sighed, coming out of the stall, the officer stood directly in front of it, his eyebrows narrowed.

"Took you long enough, next time you come out when I say," Officer Harris said sternly.

"What did you do to my clothes? You got these from the rack" Von ignored whatever he said before.

"I need to make sure you're the right fit, and you don't have permission to question me"

Von scoffed. "Fuck you mean, the 'right fit'? I'm getting tired of you being a weirdo. Youn look a day younger than 30 and you keep forcing me to do shit for yo nasty ass pleasure"

"Bennett!" Officer Harris yanked his hair, a surprised yelp escaping his lips. "You have such a pretty mouth, why are you using these sinful words? Is that how you speak to the person taking care of you? You'll wear whatever I get for you, you do as I say, understood?"

Von nodded, hissing at the burning on his scalp.

The man smiled, letting go of his hair."Now let me help you. First, I need to check you, pull your pants down"

Von massaged the part of his head, he stared at the officer in disbelief. He was going to have a field day at court, he wasn't going to let him get away with anything.

"Pull them down, I'm doing my job. It's protocol" Officer Harris repeated, crossing his arms.

"I know dat ain't yo pro—"

"Or I'll do it. You're wasting my time, and I feel like you're trying to take advantage of me, I know you wouldn't want me to tell the warden. Keep disobeying and you can wish that trial a goodbye"

Hesitantly, Von pulled his pants down, he looked up at the ceiling, biting his tongue.

The officer started from his mid-thigh, patting every part of it, moving up to his hips, softly grasping his butt. Whenever he got to Von's stomach he squatted down, giving it a little knock.

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