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| Hurt inside they made me act this way, but them people still gon' still fault me

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| Hurt inside they made me act this way, but them people still gon' still fault me.|


It's crazy how the world can change in such a long, yet short time. For the second time in 5 years, Dayvon sat in a car with steel wheels and a black coat to hug around it.

The inside gave a sweet aroma of Vanilla, the warmth comforting his insides, and gave him the green light that he had a new sense of freedom in his life.

Although he held on to his seatbelt as if his life depended on it, and his mind played tricks, to cause him to believe he was still being held in a cell, he knew from afar he wasn't and he'd go home safely, just like the previous nights.

After four nights at home with his family, he concluded he hadn't prepared himself to face the harsh reality.

Being free didn't mean he was free from life's responsibilities. He'd have to begin searching for a job and taking bigger roles in his home.

He believed getting released from prison meant he could be himself, but a better version of himself.

He easily became frustrated and annoyed at himself because he couldn't grasp the ropes of life as he had planned.

"What are you thinking about?" Kentrell's voice cracked the silence in the car.

Von bit his tongue, picking at the cloth of his sweatpants. "Nothing much. I just think that I have to get over the past, it's obvious the world ain't stopping 'cause of my problems. I gotta get over it all and move forward"

"What made you think you gotta get over it?" Kentrell asked before speaking again, due to the fact of knowing it'd be hard to answer the question in a quick period. "I still ain't got over how disrespectful my uncle was that night. I keep my distance and keep him out of my thoughts"

"So you moved on?"

Kentrell chuckled shaking his head. "No, every time I saw him I thought about beating his ass."

"Have you?" Von squinted his eyes.

"Unt un" Kentrell denied, attempting to wipe the smile off his face, he stared straight ahead, covering his laughs with coughs.

Von gasped. "You did, I know you. Tell me what happened."

"Ion know what you talking a 'bout, I never fought an old person in my life. We help the weak, not make them weak, and how I'm supposed to beat a dead person?" Kentrell said casually.

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