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| I say just take my money, and my kids, and you, that's all I need

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| I say just take my money, and my kids, and you, that's all I need.|


"Papa I miss youu!" Zy'mire jumped on Kentrell as he closed the front door, causing him to stumble back some, this little boy was strong.

Kentrell chuckled twirling him around. "I miss you too fat boy, whatchu you do today?"

"Mama took Zuri and me to the park, we get ice cream and played" Zy'mire spoke excitedly, bouncing around.

"Mama went outside?" Kentrell asked shocked. Von seemed scared to step foot outside.

Zy'mire huffed, crossing his arms. "Yes dummy, we play park outside, and ice cream too"

"Why you calling me dumb? I was asking a simple question" Kentrell rolled his eyes, sitting Zy'mire down.

"You ask dumb things" Zy'mire mugged.

"Where ya sister and mama at?"

Zy'mire threw his arms up. "In the house"

"I know that smarty pants. What are they doing?" Kentrell flicked his head, taking off his work shoes.

Zy'mire held his forehead plopping down on the ground. "I'm not telling you anymore"

"Then no more watching iron man" Kentrell walked in the living room switching off the movie.

"Orin man" Zy'mire said proudly, jumping on the couch.

"Iron man" Kentrell repeated slowly.

Zy'mire tilted his head, hearing the difference in the way he heard it. "Orin man"

"Iron man"

Zy'mire mugged. "Shut up papa I know how to say it"

Kentrell sucked his teeth. "You switched out two letters, it's ir not or"

"Ughh, dumb meanie, I say Orin man, cause he is Orin man! You not funny" Zy'mire snapped, smacking his cheek.

"Oh, I'm still dumb?" Kentrell said in all seriousness, holding in his laugh, he began tickling him.

Zy'mire laughed loudly, thrashing around to get away. "O-okay! You not dumb anymore!"

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