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A/N : This is set when they came back into the real world and are now just waking up in hospital.

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Trying to remember what had happened in a split second was confusing. I was being led through the hospital with the hand of a nurse, seeing in since my leg got injured during the explosion.

We went down to get some food from the cafeteria, awaiting there is when I saw her, my mother. I limped my way over to her, kneeling down by her wheelchair, tears forming in my eyes when I knew she was okay. All she could say was “My beautiful girl..” I could tell she was upset and worried for my well-being too.

I felt another hand grip onto my shoulder, I followed from their hand upwards to see it was my father. I knew it would've been some scolding for me not doing my best and be somewhere else other than Shibuya Square.. Yet, he wasn't looking as if he were angry, he looked more upset as if he were crying as he had black bags clearly shown under his eyes. He finally spoke up “Kuina.. I know I haven't been the best father and expected much more than you had to offer .. and I'm sorry for it, I should've been more supportive of you and I hope you can forgive me, even though I don't deserve your forgiveness.” he finished in a sincere tone, looking down at me. I could only smile in response as I had no words or the knowledge that he'd ever accept me for who I am.

I finally seen them off so that I could finally get something to eat and drink through to the cafeteria....


My eyes fluttered the slightest bit open as I familiarise the four walls around me, I was in a hospital.. It didn't make sense as all I could remember was laying on the cold hard concrete aside Kuina after failing to kill the King of Spades.

Kuina... I hope she is alright, I knew that we were only friends or a considerable ‘duo’ but I don't just see her as my friend.. I love her. I'm not sure on how to express that and she was the only one who truly cared for me.

After spending sometime in this room, I decided to go on out to find her. I searched and searched only to find her sitting in the cafeteria herself enjoying some biscuits, I walked over sitting down aside her. Somehow, she seemed puzzled by my presence as if I was a stranger sitting down beside her. “Hello? Do I know you?” Kuina said, I felt my heard sink a little hearing she didn't remember me.. or seemingly as well anything that had happened before..


She looked familiar, but I couldn't put my finger on where I knew her from. I don't know what we were, but I feel almost intrigued to know more of her and if she knew me.

“Kuina..” the female aside me said in almost a whisper. It shocked me to say the least, but I didn't know how to react.

“I'm sorry, have we met before?” I felt almost bad for saying that, in hope I didn't hurt her feelings of it. I was only to be met with a blank expression across her face, her eyes said it all; she looked sad ...


My heart slumped more hearing those words, it hurt but their wasn't anything I could do about it. Overtime, I could maybe tell her the truth..

“Hm? No, I don't think so.. I just feel as if I know you from somewhere.. I'm Ann.” I lied through my teeth to her, not knowing what else I could've done. “Ah, it's weird.. I feel like I know you from somewhere too, I can't put my finger on it. I'm Kuina!” she said happily with that dorky smile she always used to give when she was around me....

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A/N : Hello lovelies! It's been a while since I posted a story so I do hope you like this one ❤️

Their will be more parts soon < 3

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