| page 6 of my love |

309 8 44

TW: swearing

liams POV

"nah dude you should've seen stacy today, hot as hell." henry exclaims, mouth full with food.

"bro, im telling you, her mum is wayyyy hotter." i say, rolling my eyes.

both i didn't agree with, i just didn't want to make my crush anymore obvious than it was.

all though im not that worried, henry is dumb, and right now seems oblivious to the fact i have the hugest crush on him.

(wait is hugest a word?)

me and henry were just talking back and forth because drew and jake were occupied on their phones.

every once in a while they'd look up at eachother and giggle, then go back to texting.

it was pretty obvious they were texting eachother, me and henry just gave them a weird look then went back to talking about lettuce-chan or whatever.

"so, what class do you two love birds have?" henry smirks.

both drew and jake look up.

"i have english, and jake has chem." drew says, taking a single sip of his mango juice, ignoring his untouched food.

"well atleast you two will be seperated when in class with me, i dont know how much longer i can stand this non-stop flirting." i scoff, rolling my eyes.

"yeah but i have to be with jake in chem! he will probably be fangirling over drew when hes not around, because he is literally the biggest simp i have ever met! even im not as bad!" henry whines.

"well i have to put up with drew's rich white boy snob attitude, i would rather jake." i explain, taking a sip of my apple juice.

"i would rather have you man" henry sighs, scrunching up his juice carton.

am i blushing?

"idk its hard to tell when jakes fat head is blocking the window." henry says.

oh shit, i said that out loud.


"we're literally right here." drew scoffs.

"yeah, you guys are so mean sometimes!" jake cries, dramatically sighing.

"whateverrr, lets go to class drowned rat." i say, pulling drew by the collar of his hoodie.

"hey- let go of me you asshole-" drew yells, struggling to get off the floor.

"bye henry" i call out

"byee!" he calls back


a little later when drew is back on his feet, we're in an empty hall walking to class.

"hey liam?" drew starts.

"hm?" i hum in response.

"your crush is really obvious" drew states blandly.

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