| page 10 of my love |

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TW: swearing, mentions of underage drinking, parent issues

henry's pov

me, liam, drew and jake are sitting down in a row in the auditorium, waiting in silence along with the rest of the seniors.

"im disappointed." the principal called out, her heels clicking as she walked towards all of us.

"do you all know what our school motto is?" she asks.

theres a silence.

"live, laugh, lander!" she yells.

"our school has lived up to this motto. up until now." she says in a disappointed tone.

"a parent has come to our school board about a pre-graduation party. normally this would be fine, but we were told more." she sighs, pinching the bridge of her nose.

murmuring is heard across the auditorium as she mentions the party.

i look at liam, him looking at me with the same look.

we both look over at drew whos panicking, and jake who is trying to calm him.

"you are all well aware vodka is an alcoholic substance, therefore illegal for anyone under the age of 21 to drink, yet alone chug." she explains.

"so why in the WORD OF LUNI," she scoffs,

"why would you even think, to drink it?" she asks.

"your are all seniors, you should know better. you bring great disappointment to this school, your family, and your friends." she says, walking from the right end of the bleachers to the left.

"but this isnt about the school." she sighs.

"you kids risked your lives doing this. thats not what we teach you to do here at rosemeadow." she scolds.

"i'd like to ask one question." she starts, closing her eyes and holding a finger up.

"who was it?" she asks, opening her eyes.

everyone starts to look around, whispering.

me and liam look over at drew, who is shaking like hell.

"drews never usually this scared when getting in trouble.. is something going on with his dad?" liam whispers into my ear.

"i dunno.." i whisper back.

jake continues to hold onto drews hand, and unfortunately the principal takes notice.

"drew." she calls out.

drews head shoots up.

everyone turns to stare at us.

she uses her finger to give him a 'come here' sign, before walking towards the exit of the auditorium.

"jake, henry, liam, you too." she yells.

all 4 of us stand up and walk behind the teacher.

me and liam walk behind drew and jake as jake attempts to calm down drew, who is almost crying at this point

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