| page 13 of my love |

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TW: mentions of homophobia, mentions of bullying, swearing.

henrys POV

"i think i should become a chicken" i randomly say.

"what- you know what? im not even going to ask." liam starts, before stopping him self.

for the past few hours me and liam have just been hanging out at his house, playing games and watching movies.

oh- and playing with his dog riley. shes a sausage dog, i love her more than liam.

well, almost.

what else are we supposed to do after being outed? deal with it like adults?

pft, no way, that's ridiculous.

"just think about it- life would be soo much easier! no drama, no getting outed, and even better- i can date riley without it being un-illegal!" i cheer, petting riley on her head.

"henry, un-illegal isnt a word. it would also mean it isn't illegal, since you said UN - illegal, un means not. for it to mean it is illegal, it would be un-legal" liam sighs, explaining as he heats up the popcorn.

"i have no idea what you just said, but what ever i said was way better." i shrug, continuing to pet riley.

"and i think your jealous that i want to date riley" i add, smirking.

i hear liam sigh from the kitchen.

"how did i end up with you- i could literally have anyone else, and i chose you." he groans.

"you know you love me" i sigh with a smile, sitting on the couch.

"yeah, but now im starting to hate you" liam replies, taking out the popcorn and pouring it into a bowl.

"oh yeah? well- i can hate you too!" i scoff, folding my arms.

"mhm" liam hums.

"we'll see" he adds.

i groan, and lean back into the couch.

"liammmm! hurry up- i wanna watch the movie already!" i whine, reaching out for the remote.

"its just starwars, i doubt its that good." liam answers, cleaning the kitchen.

"you haven't even seen it! you'll love it! -because i love it, so your forced to love it!" i smile, grabbing the remote.

"yeah yeah, whatever." he chuckles, sitting next to me and placing the popcorn in between us.

as the movie starts, i start to think.

we can't just not go to school forever..

"liam?" i ask.

"mhm?" he hums in response, turning his head to me.

"what are we gonna do about us being outed?" i ask.

theres a silence, so i turn to look at him.

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