| page 9 of my love |

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TW: swearing, memories of kissing & underage drinking.

liam's pov

"ughhhhh" i groan, blocking my eyes as rays of sunlight cut through the curtains, literally stabbing my eyes.

"ew what the heck is ontop of me- oh" i exclaim, before looking down and seeing an asleep henry.


gosh he really likes his sleep...

to be fair i dont mind that, i happen to like watching him sleep- wait that sounds creepy.

he just looks cute while sleeping.

hes on my left side, cuddling my side and his face is stuffed into my chest.

it'd be comfier if i had man boobs..

wait what would it be like to have man boobs..?

eh ill just ask hailey.

shes quite a girly man though, i just never pointed it out because i was afraid she was trans or something, and that would be just rude.

wait isnt this drews room?

and drews bed?


or maybe a foursome if you add jake..

wait, my memories are coming back...

memories of me getting drunk comes back, so i know why i had a foursome, but why is it just me and henry here?

then suddenly, all of it comes back to me.

hot diggity dog..

dayum, i must be a good kisser if we kissed twice.

what did i say when he said he loved me?

ugh, why cant i remember..?


flash back

"i love you" henry says, almost breathless.


"samesies" i reply

then we just start laughing and watch bluey.

end of flash back

well technically we put on glee and just thought it was bluey, we must have been really drunk.

now i wish i didnt get memories from last night.

as im thinking im just twirling henry's hair around in my fingers.

i think im gonna suffocate if i dont breathe, i've been holding my breath so i dont wake henry up with my breathing, since hes on my chest.

"mhm.." henry groans, shuffling a little,

oh thank god

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