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Seungcheol decided to walk Nayeon on her class since he also want to talk to her about something.

"Nayeon" Seungcheol called

"Hmmm" Nayeon hummed in response

"Are you okay with this?" Seungcheol asked, his not looking at her instead his looking straight

"With what?" Nayeon asked confused

"Being my fake girlfriend" Seungcheol lower his voice

"Of course I'm not at first but we already made this far i can't just stop here" Nayeon chuckles

"I'm sorry" for the first time in a while he lowered his pride just for her

Nayeon stop on her strack and look at Seungcheol who continue walking.

"Did you just apologize?" Nayeon asked. Seungcheol turn around to look at her seeing her shock face

"The one and only Choi Seungcheol apologized to me? O my gosh!" Nayeon squealed

"Are you that happy?" Seungcheol chuckles at her cuteness

"And now your smiling. O my gosh" Nayeon said and cover her mouth that still has a wide smile

"Stop that already. Your class is about to start" Seungcheol grab her

They continue laughing as they walk in the hallway. This is very rare for Seungcheol to smile like that. He is always serious and cold to others even to his friends sometimes.

Jennie is on her way to her class when she heard someone squealed. No students are walking in the hallway right now since class is about to start in a minute. She went to look for the voice and saw Nayeon and Seungcheol. She saw how Seungcheol smile while looking at Nayeon who seems very happy about something. She felt pain at the sametime relief in her heart. She feel pain because she was once the reason of his smiles and now she's not, relief because he found the girl that will make him smile again and will stay by his side. She smile in pain looking at the two smiling widely at each other.

"I thought it's still me but i guess I'm not anymore" she whisper to her self before turning around and leave the couple.

Chaeyoung is in the library looking for the books she needed for her English assignment. After minutes of looking for it she saw the book in the forth shelf. She tried to reach it but here height is not enough to reach that shelf. She look of something that she can climb to reach the book and she saw a chair. She grab the chair and went on it then grab the book. She was about to go down the chair when she got out of balance. She thought she was about to hit the floor but a arms catch her. She open her eyes and saw Kwon Hoshi. Her eyes widen and immediately come down from his arms. She cleared his throat then was about to grab her book on the floor when Hoshi grab it first.

"You should have ask for help. If I didn't saw you, you'll surely be in pain right now" Hoshi said with a smirked but Chaeyoung rolled her eyes at him and grab the book then walk away

"You could have said thank you, you know" she heard him said bht she Choose to ignore him

Chaeyoung left him there and went to her table to do her homework.

"Finally" after doing her homework for like forever she's finally done. She stretched her arms and started packing when she remembered she still have a geometry homework

"Aish" she ruffle her hair in frustration

"You okay?" Someone suddenly asked. She look who is it and it was no other than Hoshi

"Do i look okay?" she annoyingly asked

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