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"Tzuyu!" Chaeyoung called, the four of them immediately run towards her

"Tzu, what's happening? Why are you leaving?" Mina asked

"My family decided to go to the province" Tzuyu said

"But why so sudden?" Nayeon asked

"We already plan this a long time ago" Tzuyu said

"Where the hell are you going?" Mingyu entered there conversation

"What did my mom did to you while i was asleep Tzu!" Mingyu shouted on frustration

"She offered me a big amount of money! Enough to make my families life better! In exchange of me leaving you alone." Tzuyu said, she tighten her grip in her bag as she said those words

"And you accepted it?!" Mingyu asked, frustration is vivid in his voice

"Yes, it's a large money Mingyu. I won't find that by just working part time. And you really think that i was sincere with you? Come on Mingyu i never like you from the start, remember that time i told you it was all for revenge? It's wasn't because of revenge but the amount of money i can get from you. Your just so dumb to still believe me" Tzuyu said

"What the hell are you talking about Tzuyu?" Momo asked

"I'm tired of this shity life of mine that's why i use him to make my life better" Tzuyu look at her friends bitterly

Nayeon walk towards her and slap her.

"How can you say those words Tzu?!" Nayeon shouted

"You are not the Chou Tzuyu i used to know" Nayeon said then walk away

"This is not you Tzu" Chaeyoung said and went to follow Nayeon and also Momo follow them without saying anything

"I'm hoping that you're happy of this decision of yours Tzuyu. You've changed" Mina said before leaving.

Tzuyu couldn't explain what she felt right now. Her heart sank looking at her friends walking away from her and Mingyu who's now looking at her with nothing but hatred in his eyes.

"Don't you ever show you face to me" Mingyu said then walk away

"Did you really accept the money?" Dino asked

"I did" Tzuyu said

Tzuyu turn around and started walking away. Once she got out of the campus she felt her knee weakened and lean on the wall as tears keep falling from her eyes. Her heart breaks as she remember the looks in there eyes. She broke her friends trust and once again broke his heart. She cried out loud as she hold her chest where her broken heart is placed.

"Do you really believe that she accepted a money from Mrs. Kim?" Minghao asked

"No, i think she's doing this again for Mingyu's sake or Mrs. Kim threatened her" Seungcheol said

"We have to know the truth" Hoshi said

"What will happen to Mingyu now?" Jun asked

"Will he return to his old self?" Seungkwan asked too

"I'm afraid he will" Jeonghan said

Mingyu is at the bar drinking. His broken heart is not helping at all. He want to forget about her by drinking but she's already carved in his heart. He went out the bar and drove away, speeding up like his in a race. He stop in the middle of the road and a car also stopped behind him.

"Why the hell are you stopping in the middle of the road huh?!" The car driver shouted

"You don't care" he coldly said

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