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After all the girls have arrived, Nayeon told them about the news that her and Seungcheol are engaged and they're also shock thay there relationship started as a fake couple. The girls were so happy for her but at the sme time worried what might happen to Nayeon.
It's already late when they decided to go home. The boys offered them a ride and they didn't decline. Tzuyu and Mingyu is the last one to drove away because Tzuyu cameback to her room to get something.

"Tzuyu" Mingyu nervously called

"Yeah" Tzuyu look at him with a smile

"Let's go on a date tomorrow" Mingyu bravely said

"Okay" Mingyu widen his eyes because Tzuyu's didn't hesitate to answer him

"i'll pick you up tomorrow at 10 in the morning" Mingyu said and Tzuyu nodded before getting off his car

"Bye gyu take care" she said then enter her house

"How can she make my heart flutter by just doing that?" Mingyu asked himself, a smile would not even leave his face.

"Mingyu why the hell are you calling us early in the morning?" Jeonghan said between his yawn

"I need you guys help" Mingyu said

"For what?" Joshua said still his eyes closed

"You two will help me choose my outfit" Mingyu said

"Seriously?" Jeonghan raised his eyebrow

"This is very important to me. Tzuyu and i will go on a date later. I have to look good you know" Mingyu said

"Ugh whatever" Joshua rolled his eyes

"Let's get this over with" Jeonghan grab Joshua and went to Mingyu's walk in closet

After sometime Joshua and Jeonghan finally found a best outfit for Mingyu. Then after that Mingyu immediately drove to pick up Tzuyu is her house. He beep his car once he arrive outside her house. Tzuyu went out of there gate looking so beautiful as always.

"You look beautiful" Mingyu honestly said

"Thank you" Tzuyu smiled at him.

Mingyu then open the passenger seat for her before he went to the driver's seat then drove away.

"Where are we going today?" Tzuyu asked

"Where do you wanna go?" Mingyu asked back

"It's been a long time since i went to a Zoo" Tzuyu shared

"Should we go to the zoo?" Mingyu said while his eyes fixed in the road

"Are you okay with that?" Tzuyu look at him

"Yeah" Mingyu smiled

"Okay let's go then" Tzuyu said excitedly

Mingyu was the one who payed the entrance for the both of them. They're having so much fun especially Tzuyu. They took a lot of pictures together as a remembrance of there date. After having fun with the animals the both of them got hungry so they decided to buy some foods.

"Thanks" Tzuyu said after Mingyu hand her some foods

"Did you have fun?" Mingyu asked before eating his food

"Yeah, i had so much fun. Thank you Mingyu" Tzuyu happily said.

A smile didn't leave his face the whole day his with her just by looking at her his already happy. Her happiness become his happiness and it's his first time to feel something like that. They're on there way home when Mingyu suddenly open an unexpected topic.

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