Light in darkness

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The weather was cloudy and chilly. It was quiet in the village and only a few villagers were visible. The team reached an inn and went through the door. The inn was completely empty, nobody was there except the owner. Kira stepped in front of them and asked for a night to stay there. The owner, though hesitating, gave them the keys of the rooms and Kira payed for them. Before they started going to their rooms, the owner warned them.

-"You shouldn't stay here. This place is not safe for travelers."

Kira nodded and went up with the others. They were on the hunt again. They heard that travelers disappeared after one day in the village, but nobody knows what happened. So they went to the village to investigate the area. The team stepped into a room, in which there was only two beds. Here, they discussed what the following steps should be.

-"Does anyone have an idea how we should find the culprits of the disappearances?" -Kira asked.

-"The best choice is to ask the villagers." -Aisha suggested.

-"Or the culprit finds us first." -Rocky said confidently.

-"Do you think that maybe the titan, my mother wrote about, is doing this?" -Dion asked, hoping it will lead him to the next letter.

-"No! That's impossible!" -Kira said irritated and then started to speak more calmly. -"If such a large creature would be near the village, they'd surely notice..."

-"They don't necessarily show themselves, maybe it can shapeshift or it can lure people to itself, so it can stay hidden." -Dion said.

Kira looked nervous and nobody understood why. Aisha noticed this and made a suggestion:

-"Let's go and eat, after that we can ask the villagers."

The others agreed with her. Rocky and Dion went downstairs to the diner, while Aisha stayed with Kira.

-"Be honest with me. What's wrong?"

Kira tensed up, she didn't want to tell Aisha.

-"I...can't tell you yet."

Aisha thought about Kira's behavior in these last days and she started to be suspicious of her.

-"Is this connected with the fact, that you left last night?"

Kira was shocked.

-"You saw it?"

-"What is it you are hiding from us?"

-"You'll...see soon enough."

-"Why can't we know now?"

-"Because...'cause it's ain't the time yet.",

Aisha never saw Kira so scared, she simply didn't understand her behavior.

-"Whatever...I'll go to the others." -Aisha said.

Kira decided that she'll also go downstairs.


After they ate, they went outside to the village and asked around among the people. Most of the villagers didn't know what caused the disappearances, others could only say gossips and legends, but nothing that could be sure. At the end of the day the team returned to the inn, disappointed. They went upstairs to their rooms, Kira and Aisha went into the room where they had the discussion at the beginning of the day, Dion and Rocky rested in a room next to them, after an unsuccesful day. Everybody, except Rocky, had a hard time falling asleep. When they almost fell asleep, they heard clattering, which came from the direction of the hallway, but they didn't have time to react, because the four of them lost their consciousness. When they woke up they found themselves in a room, tied up. The room was quite dusty. There wasn't really anything but a big tub and jars filled with fluids and plants in them. In the room, compared to it's horrible state, were quite a few pleasent smells: vanilla, blueberry, lemon and strawberry, like they would've baked pastries there. But these smells came from them, rather than the room. Before them stood five people, in dark clothes, their heads hidden with large scarves.

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