- sailing

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(chapter is ABSOLUTE FILLER. skip if you wish to do so!)

you'd quickly learn that having a small ship on a wide sea was not so great. the weather just happened to be terrible, rain coming down every hour, nonstop. though, the weather was the least of your worries. after an hour of sailing, you grew hungry, realizing you had left your village with absolutely nothing. luckily, the pirate you had met had a small supply of food and clothes stashed away underneath a floor board on the ship. you thank him in your mind, wishing you could give him a hug right now. upon rummaging through the supply of food he had, you found a strange looking fruit beneath the food. after inspecting it, you had come to the conclusion that it was a devil fruit. you had heard about devil fruit users. people who ate a devil fruit gained unique powers. you never thought they were real. but seeing smoker today had proved you wrong, now you were seeing one in person. if the pirate had eaten this fruit, maybe he could've escaped smoker. you snicker to yourself.

the fruit was a light pink with gold accents embedded on the swirls. the fruit was shaped to make it look as if it was dripping or melting. it had a sweet smell, probably a sweet taste to. there was a layer of sticky substance coating it, which you assumed gave the fruit the sweet scent. to test your theory of the sweet taste, you lick the fruit. immediately, you notice the sweet and sour taste. it didn't taste necessarily bad... but it did surprise you. you take a bite, not thinking of the consequences. you smile, the taste being even better now that you had a bite. you chew happily, humming a light tune.

it had been 3 days now. the small boat rocked back and forth, making an already nauseous (name) even more sick. the water currect had picked up, alongside the rain. you shivered, not having anywhere to hide from the rain. how did he survive as a pirate with this type of boat?!

all the food that had remained was gone, plus the devil fruit. you were disappointed in how fast you had given up. you open a map you had found, scanning. you beam, realizing you're close to a stopping point. upon further inspection, you remember hearing places about this city. the city of water 7. notable for its shipwrights. if you could make it in the morning, then you could possibly leave early, with a new boat too! you just needed to think of way to get a boat without being accused of stealing...

you woke up extra early to sail to your destination. you had hope you'd make it at an early hour so you could make it out before it got late. you didn't want to have to stay the night.

you continued your sailing, content at how good you had gotten in just a day. probably one of your only talents now. you think back to all the events that had taken place yesterday. pirate dude getting beat, meeting guy who beat him...pirate guy giving me his boat...

i ate a devil fruit.

you stare blankly at the sea after remembering this. you slowly start to sweat nervously. looking at your hands and feet, there didn't seem to be anything wrong with you. but something had to have changed about you. you definitely had powers now. you just couldn't awaken them yet. right?

throughout being in deep thought and sailing your boat, you hardly notice that you are growing closer and closer to your destination.


water 7 really was a strange place, huh?

upon arriving at the city, you noticed that it was entirely floating on water. how did that even work?! it was a funny yet interesting thing to you. you were excited to see how it worked once you got off.as you kept your boat moving through the backstreets of the city, you notice all the shops and places there are to visit. you stare in awe. what an exciting place! you couldn't even having something like this back at your village! you noticed there was hotel, noting, just incase you do have to spend the night here. the further your boat drifts, the more places you want to visit. the city is beautiful and you would hate to let this trip go to waste.

"hey! pirate!"

you turn to the voice that called out to you, confused on how quickly they noticed you were a pirate. "h-how'd you know i was a pirate?!" the man who called out to you simply laughed. "it's obvious, no matter how big your ship is or small it is, it's easy to know when a pirate is here!" he smiles at you. your widen, does that mean they'll take me away?! "if you're looking for a place to dock, there's a cape down that way! you should be able to dock there safely." you gasp, then yell a quick thank you to him before sailing off.

you find the cape with ease, quickly docking your boat. walking off, you find yourself in front of what you assume is the entrance of the city. walking closer, you get a better look of the words that are hung up. rental bullshop...? what's a bull? and why can you rent it...?

you later learn bulls are sea animals that help the people of water 7 travel, since there are more waterways than walkways. you exchange the little amount of berries you had for a pink bull. you found the bull cute. "wah! does she have a name?" you pet the bull on the head, gushing over how cute it was. "no. we don't usually name our bulls. you can give her a nickname if you'd like though!" the man smiles at you. hm..."i'll call her rosa!"

you wave goodbye to the man before riding off. he said there was a shipyard here somewhere...

"hey girl! where're you going?"

you look up to see a man playing checkers with his pal. "ah! i'm just going down to the shipyard!" "then you should go to the shopping district! it'll make it faster!" "thank you!"



sweet little rosa took a shortcut just for you, isn't she lovely? at the moment, you were zipping up and down waterways. while rosa was laughing, you were currently scared out of your mind. "rosa stop! stop!" you begged but it did no good. rosa was just having too much fun. rosa began to slow down, you started to believe it was over. "phew rosa..that sure was a scARYY TRIPPP!! AAHHH!!" it actually wasn't over and you were about to go down a very, very steep waterway. "ROSAAA!!!"

you finally made it to the shopping district, after a long, terrifying ride, you made it! as you were riding on, rosa came to a halt. "huh? rosa? what's the matter?" you were confused, did the ride take a toll on her too? "nyehh!" rosa sped off in the direction of a food shop. "rosa! wait, we need to go to the shipyard first!" it seemed like everything you were saying was going in one ear and out the other. if rosa even had ears.

"hi! would you like some water-water meat?" isn't this food for humans though? "the bulls love it! you will too!" you check your pockets, trying to feel for any leftover berry. "ah, you're in luck rosa!" you pull out a small hand full of berries and exchange them for the meat.

you bite into the meat and you're shocked by how soft it is. "rosa! this is delicious!" rosa simply nyehs in response, chewing on her own piece of meat. rosa has finally gotten back on track and set you off towards the shipyard. "i hope they'll exchange my boat for another. that'd be way easier than trying to sell it!"


"wha-! woah!" the sight of the shipyard truly is one to behold. you gape at the view. "r-rosa!! look!" you point to multiple things, like a child. rosa isn't even paying attention, too busy with her piece of meat to care...

♡ 𝐁𝐄𝐀𝐔𝐓𝐘'𝐒 𝐓𝐀𝐋𝐄 // 𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐩𝐢𝐞𝐜𝐞 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 ♡Where stories live. Discover now