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you couldn't remember when the yelling started, but the shouts of luffy and usopp were now engraved into your memory. when luffy had entered your room with a dead, serious face, you understood something was wrong. he insisted that you stayed in your room despite you begging to stay by usopp. pillow now wrapped around your head, you tried to drown out the shouts of anger. you clenched your jaw, trying your best to fall asleep. then, the yelling stopped. you sigh, ready to finally sleep. your stomach churns, a bad feeling rising in your chest. dropping the pillow to your side, you stand up, walking carefully across the room. pressing your head to the wall, you try to hear what's going on. the silence is long, leaving you confused. before you can walk back to your bed, a huge crash of metal and wood can be heard on the other side. eyes widening, you run out into the hall. "is everything okay?!" you slam the door open. you're met with the sight of luffy in a pile of broken wood. nami snaps her head towards you, a terrified look on her face. usopp stays seated on the ground, a dark expression covering his features. tears begin to flood chopper's eyes, zoro turns his head down, unphased. sanji is panting, his shoulders rising and dropping. your hands grip the doorway, brows furrowed.

"you idiot...what were you about to say?!" sanji yells towards his captain, eyes filled with anger. his fists are clenched, teeth biting down hard on his cigarette. "cool down! be careful about what you say!" his panting continues. chopper looks at sanji with fear and concern in his eyes, holding his hooves close to himself. your heart aches at the sad sight. the sound of wood moving interrupts your daze, luffy now emerging from the pile of wood. "sorry. i just..." he puts a hand to his neck, rubbing it. you can hear the regret in his voice. he places the straw hat back on his head, a frown plastered on his face. "luffy..." everyone is in a state of shock and worriment. usopp speaks up, voice wavering. "that's okay, luffy. that's how you really feel, isn't it?" you can hear a hitch in his breath, sweat running down his temple. "what'd you say?!" usopp rolls over from where's laying, forcing himself up. 

"go ahead and cut off another useless friend, go ahead..." you've now leaned yourself on the doorway, face pressed up against the wood. "if you're gonna abandon the going merry..." luffy's eyes twitch, still wide from the blow. "...why don't you do that to me, too?!" a vein can be seen on usopp's head, underlining his evident anger. he fulls stands up, his back turned to you. the bandages wrap and turn over his body, defining his body. he continues, "you don't need weak friends, right? luffy, you're the man who'll be king of the pirates." even when he tries to leave the crew, you can't help but admire how he still believes in luffy. despite feeling mocked and disregarded, he still believes that luffy will become the king of pirates. you look at usopp in awe, somewhat impressed. before you can keep admiring him, you're shoved to the side, hitting your head on the wall. "ow..!" sanji rushes over to you, holding your head. "watch where you're going, usopp-! hey, where're you going?!" rubbing your head, you look to who pushed you. "where i'm going is my own business." a long pause is draped over you all. it's broken by usopp. "i'm...leaving the gang." nami runs onto the deck, yelling after usopp. he's gotten a distance away from the ship now, ignoring nami's shouts. 

"usopp, wait, it shouldn't be like this!" her attempts are useless as he continues to walk away, not paying any mind to the crew's pleads. you watch in panic, usopp continues to near away from the ship. he suddenly stops, calling out to luffy. "luffy! i can't go along with you anymore. sorry to cause you trouble." dread sinks onto the crew and you. as you thought it'd be the end, usopp shocks you again, as he always has. "monkey d. luffy!" luffy looks at usopp, his face contorted into an angry expression. "fight a duel with me!" you swear you can feel the air thicken, the crew had all gone silent, only luffy breathing heavily can be heard.

you weren't given a chance to watch the fight, as you were ushered away by nami. chopper hands you a handful of berries, sending you away to a motel. zoro stared as you left, guilt now being bottled up. your heart aches as you think about the possible outcomes of the fight. with how usopp acted, you believed there was no going back for him. you ride through the empty waterways, quiet the whole ride. rosa whines, curious as to why you aren't speaking. placing a hand on her head, you begin to stroke it, petting her slowly. she 'nyehs' in content, forgetting about her earlier concern. you smile sadly, placing your hand in your head, resting it. the sky is dark, the air is cold, and your nerves are high. as if though the universe could read your mind, distant punches and grunts can be heard. you frown, knowing well that it was usopp and luffy. you pull on rosa's rope, making her speed up. you wanted to get to the motel as fast as you could.

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