Chapter 14- falling back into place

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Nandini was just getting used to the fine silk covered pillows when Aditha barged into the chamber. His face lit up with a smile- his beloved was finally surrounded with the finery she deserved!

She saw him approach before he sat on a chaise by the side. With clenched hands, he looked up at her and announced that it was imperative for both of them to leave to Thanjavur in 2 days, hinting problems at court.

Nandini froze. She knew that she’d have to visit eventually as Aditha’s betrothed but not this soon.

Pazhayarai palace itself seemed steeped in hierarchies- Thanjai was supposed to be it’s superior.

She was rather miffed with him for springing one shock after another.

He’s really pushing it, isn’t he she thought. She couldn’t find a strong enough reason to refuse so she gave him a tight smile and bid him goodnight.

But he didn’t leave, leaned next to her and said they’d be going on a procession to the nearby villages to announce to the public. She turned her head away in response
Nandini was acquainted with some of the villagers during her market visits, others who came to the temple during festivals. She was nervous at the prospect of their opinions.

The childhood desire to be seen and admires as Aditha’s  ardhangini, his beloved crown princess, she thought had faded with age came back with gusto.
She wanted- nay! Needed- to show to the world that she could be desired and chosen out of volition and not sympathy .

At the same time, she didn’t want the only people akin to friends think she was a scheming seductress.
Before she could answer, he placed a quick peck on the side of her forehead and fled.

The next morning, she awoke to see exactly how much thought Aditha had put into securing her position. Female soldiers carrying huge trunks entered followed by maids. The contents of the trunks included  elegant silk sarees with the most intricate embroidery of gold and silver, jewellery for every part of the body and other accessories a lady may need.

She raised an eyebrow to Aditha, who blushed and asked her to prepare herself.
Nandini once again beheld herself in the mirror, decked in the finest apparel the nation could offer.

She was once similarly decked but this time it was accompanied by joy and pride rather than shame and apprehension.

She entered the common hall where her beloved was seated, feeling slightly nervous. Her pride and desire spiked when she saw his eyes appreciate her form, his admiration evident.
The maids who were initially confused about being brought to a war camp finally smirked at a job well done.
Nandini accepted Aditha’s extended hand as they walked out. Her heart once again raced as she saw the royal elephant outside. Aditha, sensing her hesitation, offered to mount the same elephant as her.
Once settled into the veiled carriage atop the elephant’s back, she looked at him with awe. Was this the same man she’d rubbished as a shallow youth? They progressed onto the wider village roads. The people had by now heard that their crown prince and his companion were arriving and lined up on both sides.

Nandini saw them admire them both – the brave warrior and his beautiful beloved – and hailed them as a perfect love match, admiring their prince for choosing a lady of simple means.
The several months of war in the border province had left it’s inhabitants with a sense of disinterest towards royals. Seeing one of their own as a future princess gave hope.

She could spot the village matron who always fussed over her wellbeing, the old priest who supported her and other friendly acquaintances wishing her well. “Can you believe that’s our Nandini? Krishna has not blessed her with such beauty and intelligence for nothing” chirped the matron.

She could also spy the self assured grin on Vanthiyadevan’s face.
He’s surely been upto something she discerned.

---------- previous evening at the market------

It was a usual evening at the quaint village. Groups of people streaming in and out of temples, youths buzzing around shops hoping to buy a trinket or two for their sweetheart and older men sitting by taverns to discuss their day.
The sounds of busy movement and merrymaking lent a welcome air to all. A friendly looking young man sat in the open air eatery facing the crowds of the evening sandhai (market).

Middle aged men discussed near him ” thank God the war has ended, any longer and I fear to think what may have happened to us!”

“What about you young man? Were you one of the soldiers or you here to visit relatives?” one of them invited him into the conversation.
“The former sire, I fought alongside the crown prince” let slip the visitor.
“Aditha karikalan? Heard he is the bravest of all princes in the subcontinent now! Pity he’s bent on war” said one regular.
“War is a necessary evil. He merely defends his empire wherever needed by personally standing by his men. Besides, he may not wage war for a while- a certain young lady dislikes it” the young man craftily hinted.

“Princess Kundhavai would never say that openly- it is only us common folk who crib about it!”
“Perhaps she is a commoner” “why would the pattathu ilavarasar concern himself with the opinion of a comm- oooh!”

“He didn’t seem like the type to while away time with commoner ladies, we all know what sort of women princes marry “
“Upon my honor, my prince is not such a man! Her opinions matter for she is his future wife” exclaimed Vanthiyadevan.
“ every prince has faced such rumours, besides, could you imagine one of us on the throne’”
Our merciful Gods have blessed all with bravery and intelligence in this land without regard to class. The prince’s immense affection for his father’s subjects has allowed him to choose a bride who will care for all as her own. Don’t believe me? Come out tomorrow morning” he tantalizingly finished, leaving with a spring in his step as the gossip spread like wildfire.

Turns out Vanthiyadevan was far more successful than he intended, as the villagers decided to send palm leaf letter to friends and family in other towns about the news- making the couple’s second journey a public spectacle.
This time their destination was Thanjavur and people lined the roads at every village, town and city they crossed.
Nandini had initially prayed for a quiet journey sans witness, but now relished the glances of admiration and awe thrown her way. The people gawked at the beautiful but humble temple girl who was seated on the royal elephant.
The took in her resplendent form, her red silk saree lined with gold borders, the intricate jewelry seeming to hang from her Andal bun and most importantly, the possessive arm over her shoulder. The people, who initially doubted her worth, we’re now fully convinced that they needed a commoner-queen.
Nandini was struck by a wave of ecstasy when she saw Aditha’s proud smirk as he showed her off. He’d shown her off once as a youth, with people shocked to see their young prince accompanied by a girl on his horse. That,however, invited much trouble for them.

That Aditha wasn’t embarrassed by her was her greatest solace. She was willing to blindside a thousand others to please him.

The blatant awe of the people below, the surge of power as she rode the regal beast and her proximity to Aditha made her feel invincible…
….. till they reached the gates of Thanjavur fort.

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