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Huff. .

Huff. .

Huff. .

"No. . No no no not again— Not again please. . ."

Huff. .

Huff. .

"I thought they were gone how are they back how are they here how are they on ME—"


"Sup Case." Leo grinned, walking into the lair after a day of hanging out with Yuichi.
"Oh! Uh- hey Leo! Hey Yuichi." The boy waved at the duo, watching them stroll into the kitchen with some shopping bags. He decided to investigate.
"We got you some twizzlers if ya want 'em." The slider snickered as the boy lit up, looking down for a moment just so he could grab the aforementioned package and then looking up to see no one was there. He raised an eyebrow ridge and looked around, yelping and jumping practically five feet in the air when the future boy appeared in his vision beside him. "Geeze! Don't sneak up on me like that!" He exclaimed.
"Sorry." He deflated slightly. "I didn't know that would scare you, I honestly thought—"
"Yeah, yeah, take ya twizzlers. You barbaric fiend." He rolled his eyes and handed him the package.
"Thanks Leo." He smiled and accepted the package, walking to the bar counter and beginning to snack.

"When did we get Sweetish Fish?" The rabbit spoke up, lifting up a bag of king sized Sweetish Fish. He immediately side-eyed the turtle in blue. "Lee."
"Whaaat? Sweetish Fish is top tier!" He huffed, snatching the bag and holding it close to his cracked plastron.
"Whatever." He rolled his eyes, shaking his head and scrounging through the rest of the bag. "Mikey!" He called, almost immediately hearing the faint sound of a brush dropping into a tray and feet sprinting closer.
After a moment, the turtle skidded into the kitchen, nearly hitting the wall. "Yeah? Hey you better not be messing up my kitchen! This place is sacred, thank you."
"No, we aren't I swear!"
"Yeah he is." Leo grinned, laughing as the former punched him in the arm.
"I am not!" He huffed. "You probably are, though."
"Hey! Careful with hitting him!" The box turtle scolded, beginning to rummage through the bags as well.
"Mikey, I'm fine. Everything is healed mostly! The worst it could do is bruise." The slider protested. "Hypocrite." He mumbled afterwards.
"I heard that. And I'm not a hypocrite! I'm practicing with my art again after months of hiatus!" He snapped, flicking a candy bar at his face. "Plus, didn't you say to do that? Hm?"

"Okay fine, but still, I kinda can't heal if I can't be active." He countered.
"Never said you couldn't, I said to be careful, there's a difference."
"Leo! How much candy did you get?!" The rabbit yelped, looking through a bag with multiple different candy brands within.
"Well I kinda had to get some for everyone. Otherwise they'd be whining later." He smirked.
"Ooh! A new pan!" The ornate exclaimed excitedly, taking it out of its packaging and examining it. He smiled and went to put it away. "I'll use that for dinner tonight."
"Sweet, what're you makin'?" The leader in blue slid over, elbow on the counter.
"That, dear Leo, is for me to know and you six to find out! Or seven, depending on whether April's gonna be here or not."
"Wait, six??" Yuichi turned his head to face him, raising a brow.
"Yeah! Raph, Leo, Donnie, Dad, Dad-xum, and you! That is, if you wanna. Ooh! We can even have a sleepover!"
"Oh, uh, yeah! Sure! I already got all of my work done back at the farm so I should be good to go! And I've been wanting to try your supposedly world famous dishes!"
"World famous, huh? Leo, care to explain?" He grinned, leaning on one leg and placing his hands on his hips.
"Well they should be!" He protested. "They're great!"

"Uh huh, uh huh, go on." He giggled, returning to rummaging through the insane amount of bags. . .
"Well while you two do that, imma go give this to Dee." Usagi grabbed a bag towards the back of the pile, walking out of the kitchen and towards the lab.
"Oh, could I come? I'm pretty bored and I dunno what to do." Junior asked, turning and following after the rabbit anyways.
"Yeah! I don't think he'd mind." He nodded, turning the corner towards the farthest train car.
"Thanks." He muttered, munching on a twizzler.


"Hey Dee! We brought you something!" Usagi smiled, lifting up the bag to show the security camera that was poised above the train-car door.
The duo waited a moment before confusion began to pool dully in their stomachs.
"Okay. . Maybe he's just working on something and hasn't heard the comm yet?" The rabbit suggested, earning a small nod.
Casey knocked on the door, confused and mildly worried. "Donatello?"
The duo looked at each other in worry as they still hadn't received an answer. Donnie always answers. Casey turned towards the key pad and inputted a code before the door slid open to reveal an oddly quiet lab. The duo walked in cautiously.
"Hey Don-Bon?— Holy crap it's freezing in here—!" Usagi immediately felt the cold air hit him and shivered. "Even with fur— I can see my breath!"
"Yeah—" Casey agreed, rubbing his arms and looking around. "That's really odd. . ."
"Don? Where are you? We know you're in here."
There was the faint sound of shaky breaths, prompting the two to turn towards the battle shell wall. They spotted something in the small corner, something moving.
"Donatello?" Casey tried, walking slowly towards the figure. "Are you alright—?" His voice lowered to a whispering tone, slowly lowering into a crouch as he got closer. Usagi did the same after setting the bag down. "It's unusually cold. . Did the AC unit break?" He asked slowly. How would it have, though? He never allows it to break.
They both drew back as a loud hiss erupted from the corner, a choked sob following directly afterwards.

"Don- Hey Don what's wrong—?" Usagi tried once more, only receiving incoherent muttering and quiet sobbing from the figure. He frowned, realizing what was wrong and turning to Casey.
The boy seemed to realize as well, nodding and crawling over with Usagi as close as possible to the terrapin. Gods it's cold—
They both began to hear what the softshell was muttering, mildly glad that they weren't bitten yet.
"Stop, stop stop get off— Get off get off get off. . ." He pleaded quietly, nails digging into his arms before he was startled by a small shuffling beside him. He screamed and hissed, scrambling away from the noise and into the open space. He let out a wretched sob, shrinking in on himself as his markings glowed as if he were about to use his ninpo. "Get away— Get away please get away no no get OFF—!" He still felt the tentacles crawling on his back and limbs, beginning to claw at them to try and get them off with another wretched sob.
"Hey, hey, Don it's us. It's me and Casey. ." Usagi tried, flinching back as the turtle hissed in panic.
Casey turned to the rabbit. "He's gonna re-open his wounds if we don't stop him now—"
He nodded, beginning to crawl closer again. He made sure to make some noise so he didn't startle him again. He noticed Casey do the same.

Donnie sobbed more, hunched a bit over himself. "Get off. . Get off—!" He whispered, immediately beginning to wretch as he leaned forward. He wretched some more, the contents of his stomach releasing soon after onto the floor. He merely whined as it happened again, the only thing coming out being bile and coffee.
The duo took notice of his trembling frame, watching him shrink away from it and whine again.
He scooted away, crying never ceasing but his stomach feeling the after effects of throwing up. He sniffled before feeling something wrap around his torso and arms from both sides and beginning to thrash once more. "GET OFF!! NO PLEASE—!!" He cried out, feeling something settle on the back of his neck and immediately shaking his head. "Stop. . . Stop get off— I thought- I thought you were- I thought you were gone. . . ." He grew tired after a few more moments of thrashing, the cold making things harder for him. He felt something rub the back of his neck in a rhythmic pattern, not digging in. . Not scratching it, rubbing. He felt the pressure increase slightly around his torso, confusion hitting him like a freight train. "Wh- what—" He whispered, breathing slowing as the fogginess of panic began to subside.

"Shhhh, it's alright Don. . You're home, you're safe. It's alright." Usagi whispered.
Casey nodded in agreement. "They're gone, they aren't coming back, we beat them. . . You won't be hurt again—"
"Who-. . . What. . . ? Where—?"
"We're in your lab, it's Casey and Yuichi." Casey spoke. "You were having an episode." He clarified.
"Oh. . 'M cold. . 'N tired. . ." He muttered, eyes drooping a bit and body relaxing against whoever had been holding him, soaking up the warmth as much as possible.
"Yeah, you tried using the cold to get the tentacles off, it didn't really work. . ." The boy nodded. "It's expected you'd be tired, especially after. . That—" He tried his best to avoid the trigger words, continuing to hug him.
Usagi continued rubbing the back of Donnie's neck, knowing that it helped calm him during these. "You better now?"
"Mhm. . ." He slurred, drained as his markings stopped glowing completely. "Tired. . ."
"I bet, now let's get ya to your bed and you can sleep."
Casey slowly loosened his hold on the turtle, allowing Usagi to pick him up bridal style and hold him close to absorb more of his body heat. "I'll clean this up, you go put him to bed."
The rabbit nodded and padded out.
Casey grabbed the cleaning supplies and began cleaning up the mess.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2023 ⏰

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