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Finally!! Boards got over and the stress of scoring too. Tomorrow, the new session will begin. I am little nervous but at the end I'll have to face it either way. Khushi and I got same class but that mad Avinash took a different stream and got a different section, stupid! Anyways different sections won't keep us away or make any huge difference. " Trishhaaa.... Did you clean your room? "  mom screams from downstairs. Ahh! I'll have to. I have a lot of things to do yaar, I have to clean my room( I don't like to clean though) , clean my cupboard and take out all the books of 10th. It feels so nostalgic like broooo! How and when did I pass 10th?... It was just like yesterday, our first day of 10th class.... A pressure of boards but still all our hearts wanted was to have fun and make as many memories as we can. Anyways, I am in 11th now, I must focus. Ayee, I even got to know 'Abhi', that everyone's favourite is also in my class. I don't know how will i manage without having Avinash by my side... Hopefully things go well and i don't mess up.

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