8. Filming comes with a cost

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The drink with Aria went pleasantly fine, conversation was natural, without long awkward silence and Danielle had unexpectedly enjoyed herself. At this point, it would be worth mentioning how attractive the boy thought his co worker was but he was trying his best to conceal it.

While enjoying themselves, Danielle received a notification on Instagram and it was actually a personal message from Kaylee.

- I thought we were already married. 🤭

- What's this about? I'm confused.

- Your comment on my picture, silly.

Danielle almost facepalmed herself for not catching on to what Kaylee meant and then simply laughed. Aria was looking a bit confused at how the girl was occupied with her phone again, and most importantly smiling down at it.

- Yeah, but without a proper celebration. I think we should have that at some point.

- What about now? Wanna come over to my room?

- I'm out. Might stay late.

- Oh crap. Okay. Celebrations will have to wait. Have fun with..whoever you're with.

- Thanks, my wifey. Might get to say goodnight in person.

Danielle hadn't received a reply from Kaylee in a long while, she assumed the girl must have fallen asleep or something. Finally, she was dropped off at the loft by Aria around 11 in the night and made an entrance as quietly as possible. She passed by Kaylee's room on her way to her own, but her door was closed and she didn't want to disturb her in case she was asleep.

The next day on set everyone was getting on as usual but Danielle was sitting by herself, looking more anxious than usual, holding the script in her hands. Jenny decided to approach her and the auburn looked up once her name was called by a familiar blonde.

"You're awfully quiet today. I almost thought you weren't on set."

"No, I've been here since like 8 in the morning. Filmed a couple of scenes and..I'm just-"

Jenny settled to the chair next to Dani and put on her serious face, as serious as if could get at least.

"Spill. I'm listening."

"It's nothing I'm just overplaying it in my head. This scene I have to film with Aria. It's a bit much.."

"What scene? Let me seeee!"

Jenny hovered over the paper Danielle was holding in her hands and started reading the narrative.

"Hope climbs on Landon's lap, her hands reaching for his face. They look fondly into each other's eyes before locking lips. Landon takes Hope's jacket off while they're having a heated make out session.."

"Holy cow!! That's..gonna be fun one, but yeah sounds completely awkward and unnecessary."

"Nothing fun about shoving my tongue down his throat."

"Who's shoving what down whose throat??"

Quincy and Kaylee just showed up with the boy almost shouting out loud and the brunette simply smiling upon seeing her two favourite co workers sitting together. She seemed like she was in a good mood, but that would soon change.

"No need to make it a big deal, Danielle. Just focus and shoot the damn thing. It'll be over before you know it."

"What's going on? What scene?" An innocent Kaylee questioned.

"Let me guess, Hope and Landon finally hit third base?" Quincy joked.

"It's a bit early for that, don't you think?" Jenny said while pulling a disgusted face.

"I just have to make up with Landon, on a bed while taking my clothes off.."

"Say what?!"

Quincy widened his eyes, well basically everyone did and Danielle ran a hand through her hair with a long sigh, seemingly nervous. Being the lead meant you had to force yourself be okay with situations you normally wouldn't and Danielle had to learn the hard way. A look of disappointment took over Kaylee, who was previously loud and happy. You could assume Danielle noticed, but didn't think much of it at the moment.

"And we are filming scene 23, can Mat Davis, Aria Shahghasemi, and Danielle Russel please gather on set?"

"Well, here we go. Like I said, don't overthink things or you'll make this more complicated that it is."

"Thanks for the top tip, Jen."

"Anytime, my little superstar."

Danielle headed on the set while the rest of the crew got occupied with their own jobs, Kaylee locked herself in the trailer trying to get busy with whatever there was to do to not think about Danielle making out with someone. It turned out to be much more difficult, than she realized. The auburn was completely consuming her thoughts and there was no stopping it from happening.

𝓢𝓽𝓾𝓬𝓴 𝔀𝓲𝓽𝓱 𝔂𝓸𝓾 - 𝓓𝓪𝔂𝓵𝓮𝓮Where stories live. Discover now