39. Heartache

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Kaylee left the rest of the cast, not even having finished her breakfast but it didn't matter at the moment. She ran after the other actress who was somewhat walking fast along the corridors, heading towards her room probably, anywhere would be better than being with the cast right now.

"Danielle wait!"

The auburn heard a voice, knowing exactly who it belonged to but that didn't stop her. She didn't need Kaylee fixing the damage. Not when she thought she had her life together.

"Please wait."

Danielle inserted the key into the door, which didn't open straight away as the damn thing got stuck and the girl was putting up a proper fight. That gave the brunette the advantage to catch up with her and as she entered the room she wasn't fast enough to slam the door so Kaylee was able to get it.

"You don't have to tell me anything, and I can leave if you want me to."

"No stay.." Danielle sighed, throwing the keys on the nearby desk and running a hand through her hair as she was trying to control her overflowing emotions but felt defeated nonetheless.

"It's not fair you know? You don't have to shut me off every time you feel pressured."

"I let you in, didn't I?"

"I let myself in, actually."

Kaylee sighed loudly and stepped closer to the other girl, cautious but  letting their hands join each other's and bringing her down to take a seat hoping that would give them a minute to cool off.

"They are simply jealous. They are jealous of what we have, even though their opinion shouldn't matter all that much. I know how it's affecting you and all.."

"It's just that everyone thinks they have a say in my life. Everyone has an opinion about my decisions and I've just had enough of it. It's too much pressure. I'm sorry but this is all far too much to handle at once."

"Meaning what exactly?" Kaylee looked at her with worried eyes while she let her hands slip away slowly.

"That I need time..for myself."

The brunette looked up searching for any regret in the girl's tone, for any glint of hope in her eyes but Danielle was avoiding every single stare, feeling guilt and the pressure right against her chest. So much so that she wasn't able to accumulate any other apology or explanation. Danielle wasn't the type to quit that easily, so why was she quitting now?

"I don't think isolating yourself would be of any help, but I get it. If that's what you need then I guess there's no use for me to try anymore?"

"I guess. Look I'm not saying I don't wanna give us a chance but I think we need to keep it subtle for a while at least until we finish filming. Maybe then we can focus on where this is going.."

"Where this is going? You have to be kidding–"


"No, I've heard enough."

Was that simply it? Did the brunette simply had high hopes for her future with the other actress? Wasn't she just confessing to her last night that she loved her? How was this all coming to an end so suddenly?

"I mean, are you really sure about that decision? All I have ever done is defend you and support you."

"I can defend myself, Kaylee."

"What do you need then? Because apparently me confessing my feelings last night meant nothing."

"Can you not make this about you?"

"Look.." Kaylee put on her best act, as if this wasn't hurting her as much as it did the other girl. As if she was stronger than her emotions. "I get it. I'm gonna leave you to deal with this, and I won't get in your way. I mean, I won't let my feelings get in the way if that's what you need."

"Thanks, Kay. I knew I could count on you to understand.."

"I will, always."

"Anyway you should probably get back to breakfast, I don't want you to skip it because of me."

"Okay but I am sneaking out some croissants for you and you can't say no to that."

Danielle barely releases a laugh "Fine, whatever."


That day Kaylee felt a heavy weight on her heart, she was struggling to maintain her casual bubbly mood and Jenny along with a few other cast members were desperately trying to make the girl laugh and force her out of whatever mood she was in. She couldn't believe that everything she build had came crashing down in just one day and worse she had to spend hours watching the girl she loved practically being touched by someone else, she thought Aria was the luckiest person on the world because even though what him and Danielle had was only an act he got to spend hours with her, watching her cute slip ups and curses, the way she smiled awkwardly at his own mistakes, and the way she generally existed in and outside of the set like she belonged to the role.

The two of them really hadn't been seen together or exchanged any words at all that day which seemed strange as they would usually be all over each other if the circumstances weren't like this. It was only Kayle's small gesture of leaving some food out for Danielle that got the auburn wondering what Kaylee's state was and if she was alright or whether she had eaten that breakfast herself after all. But she couldn't get distracted again.

The brunette finally left the set after a long day of filming and decided to update her social media in an attempt to express her frustration.

The brunette finally left the set after a long day of filming and decided to update her social media in an attempt to express her frustration

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Kaylee Bryant: This too, shall pass.


User763: omgg something's up with Kaylee
User544: who the hell broke our girl's heart?
User8649: did Kaylee break up or something?
Jenny Boyd: You have such a big heart.
Kaylee Bryant: Correction. Big broken heart.
User7652: Cheer up Kaylee!! We love you ♥️
Quincy: *Ready to beat someone up*
Kaylee Bryant: lmao I love you @quincy

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