20. That one kiss you'll never forget.

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"Because I thought it'd be easier for you to pick up on the signs.."

"Is there something I'm missing– what..what signs?" Kaylee said with a rather nervous cracking voice, playing it dumb as ever.

Danielle seemed to be in a playful drunken mood, after basically consuming large volumes of alcohol that evening and climbed over the other girl, straddling her waist with her legs on each side.

"I better stop talking or I might reveal too much right now."

"It's nowhere near too much. I wanna hear it.."

"You wanted me to sweet talk you so there I thought you were absolutely stunning in that bikini earlier."

"Oh..um, thanks I didn't notice you were looking at my body at all today. I guess I was wrong. Talk about missing the signs–"

Kaylee felt herself completely panicking not only from the fact that they were discussing and complementing her body but also with the way Danielle was sitting on her and Kaylee had no idea what to do with her hands, trying to convince herself she shouldn't place them where she really wanted.

"You, Kaylee Bryant are totally missing them– and on top of that, why may I ask..why are you holding back?"

The brunette felt her face becoming incredibly red, must have been the fact that it was actually hot or was it Danielle and her daringly straight forward questions? And there seemed to be absolutely no way of escaping this, but who would want to anyway?

"Well, that's a good question. There is a rational answer and then there is also something else that's pretty much self explanatory– which one would you.."

"I would prefer if you'd shut up already and kissed me."

Kaylee's little nervous rambling was suddenly replaced by an undeniable urge to kiss Danielle, which at that moment there was nothing much stopping her from doing so anymore. She gently but confidently placed a hand behind the other girl's neck and pulled her down almost too fast, crushing their lips together. They moved in sync, as if they were both naturally good at this, and gave each other exactly what they wanted..or needed.

Danielle couldn't picture what it would feel like kissing her best friend, or had ever planned to do so therefore she was experiencing a lot of feelings that she yet couldn't process as the alcohol was doing most of the job for her. The auburn pulled a sheet over their bodies, completely covering themselves underneath it, thinking about how their boss could walk in on them making out and that would overcomplicate things.

The privacy it provided made Kaylee finally release herself from her ethical standards and place her hands in all those places she dreamed of, on Danielle's curvy body. Starting from her hips that were barely showing off under the hoodie she had borrowed, she lowered her hands down to her ass making Danielle question if Kaylee ever saw her as a friend. And the answer was definitely not.

 And the answer was definitely not

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"Is this okay..?"

Kaylee whispered against the girl's lips but before Danielle replied a seemingly huge wave crashed against the boat, giving it a huge curve which threw Danielle off the bunk bed and onto the floor forcefully.

The big thump was heard from upstairs, alarming Julie who went to check up on the actresses, feeling worried something bad might have happend.

"Girls?? Are you okay? What was that noise?"

Julie stepped in the room and found Danielle on the floor laughing while rubbing her butt and Kaylee trying to hold back her own giggles, with fully rosy cheeks. It didn't take much to glue the pieces together but of course the older woman didn't want to know what the girls were up to, although she could guess at that point.

"It's just me. I fell off my bed, and before you say anything I swear it wasn't because of the alcohol–"

"There was a wave, a big one. It crushed the boat. I'm really sorry, Danielle."

"It's not your fault, Julie. I wish they came with a warning though."

"I'm sure I can kiss it better." The words escaped Kaylee's lips almost like they didn't mean to and Julie gave her nearly a shocked look.

"Ohh, temping offer.." A flustered Danielle composed herself with the help of the other woman.

The three of them laughed for a good five minutes with the situation and the awkward flirting going on before parting ways and exchanging goodnights.

𝓢𝓽𝓾𝓬𝓴 𝔀𝓲𝓽𝓱 𝔂𝓸𝓾 - 𝓓𝓪𝔂𝓵𝓮𝓮Where stories live. Discover now