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luna x belly
( tw : underage drinking , mentions of cheating , mentions of death )

*ੈ ‧₊˚ ————— Luna grinned as she stepped out of her mothers summer beach house. Her hair was wet from her shower, dripping down her back and down the sides onto the green freshly cut grass. Spotting Belly, her girlfriend, was easy. She was laying down on a chair, eyes closed and allowing the sun to kiss her skin in all the right places to give her a tan. Walking forward until she was leaning Belly, once she was, she shook her head and allowed the wet hair of hers to drop water all over Belly.

They both laughed, real laughter.

To Luna, Belly was fresh air after being underneath the pressure of water. She was her light to darkness. She was her best friend. Belly was her everything. She wouldn't trade what they had for anything else in the entire world; but she would trade everything else. So she did, trading her sanity to work with little kids in a summer day care to earn enough money so she could buy something for Belly. And the promise ring she had bought lays heavy in her sock drawer for the right time to be used. She wants to give her everything, and this is the start to that.

Luna kneels down, her hand placed gently against the cheek of Belly. She moved her thumb softly, her lips quirked upwards in the smallest of smiles.

"We get it, you guys are into each other." Jeremiah smiles despite his comment. He's genuinely happy for his sister and Belly, that they've both found they're match in a world where things don't always go right.

"Don't listen to the boys," Susannah, happy, well and alive, states with the largest and most bright smile. "You two are perfect for each other."

Luna leans in, and presses her lips against Belly's lip gloss covered ones. It was like a dream come true.

And then Luna snaps her eyes open, and she's no longer kissing the one she loves. But she's not dreaming anymore, she's awake and sitting in a classroom filled with chatter. She was no longer in cousins, but back home where she really didn't want to be.

She leans, picking up her book she had knocked to the floor. The hunger games. It's one of Belly's favourites, so she reads it now; over and over and until and she can think about is the characters who fight to live.

Her phones buzzes, it's Conrad. She won't look at the message, knowing it won't be a text with sunshine and rainbows but instead darkness and thunder. He blames her for everything now, for the sickness that plagued their mother. 'Your fault,' rings in her head until the bell rings and she's finally done high school for the summer.

Her phone lights up again. Her wallpaper, a photo of Belly and herself on their first official date — It started out early, dipping their toes in the water that washed up on the shore. Then breakfast at a diner in town, where they shared a strawberry milkshake and a stack of pancakes with chocolate chips. After that, Luna prepared herself to give Belly the ring. Only she didn't, choosing not to when the universe was screaming at her too. By the end, when they stepped back into the beach house, Susannah was awake and drinking tea on the couch, ready to hear every little detail.

She's too focused on the memories she can't let go off, holding them in her palm like it's what she needs to survive, that she walks right into someone standing near her locker.

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